


I get the sense this question has been asked many times before, but somehow none of the answers to seemingly related questions get me to fully understand what's going on.


The situation: I create a package and inside that package I have another package and I want to be able to run all of them directly, for testing purposes i.e.:



from package_1.module_1 import func_1


And module_1.py:

from package_1.package_2.module_2 import func_2
def func_1():
if __name__ == "__main__":


And module_2.py:

def func_2:
    print ("This works")
if __name__ == "__main__":

__ init__.py为空.这使我可以从根目录运行main.py,并且可以运行.我也可以从其自己的文件夹中运行module_2.py.但是我无法运行module_1.py,因为它抱怨没有package_1.尽管从技术上讲,它本身在package_1中,但这是有道理的.但是,如果我删除该前缀,它将破坏main,这也很有意义.

The __init__.py are empty. This allows me to run main.py from the root and it works. I can also run module_2.py from its own folder. But I can't run module_1.py since it complains there is no package_1. That makes some sense, although technically it is itself in package_1. But if I remove that prefix, it breaks main, which also makes some sense.


How to fix this? I tried replacing the import in module_1.py by:

import .package_2.module_2


But that gets me an error I don't fully understand:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '__main__.package_2'; '__main__' is not a package


What is the right approach to get all of the packages and modules working as intended? Is it something that should be solved in __init__.py? Or should I simply avoid nesting packages like this and install them all (after providing a setup.py)?


@Blckknght suggested running:

python -m package_1.module_1
python -m package_1.package_2.module_1


From the root directory. That works, in that all the code is run as expected. I also updated the import in module_1.py to:

from .package_2.module_2 import func_2

最后,@ jonilyn2730提供了将主体放在main()函数中的建议,以使主体可以从其他脚本中调用.例如,module_1.py将是:

And finally, @jonilyn2730 provided the suggestion to make the main body callable from other scripts by putting it inside a main() function. For example, module_1.py would be:

from package_1.package_2.module_2 import func_2
def func_1():
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":


In this trivial example, it makes little difference, but it allows this in other scripts:

from package_1.module_1 import main


So the script no longer has to be called directly and multiple runs can be combined in a single script.



There's no good way to run a module in a package by file name without breaking all imports of other parts of the package. Instead, you should run the module it from the top level folder using the -m flag:

python -m package1.module1


When you run the module this way, both relative or absolute imports should work (pick whichever you prefer).


Beware though that if you have circular imports in your project (so that the module you're running as the script also gets imported from somewhere else), the interpreter will end up with two copies of the module, one running as __main__ and the other as its normal name. This can be very awkward and cause confusing bugs.

如果您将模块作为脚本大量运行,则可能应该制作一个新的顶级脚本模块,该模块将从包中导入该模块并运行所需的代码(就像您在main.py中所做的一样) ).这样可以防止充满代码的模块可能两次存在,并且还可以使您受益于从.pyc文件加载的缓存字节码(这可能会使程序启动更快).

If you're running the module as a script a lot, you probably should make a new top-level script module that import the module from the package and runs the desired code (like you're already doing in main.py). This prevents the module full of code from potentially existing twice, and also lets you benefit from cached bytecode being loaded from a .pyc file (which may make your program a bit faster to start up).


08-19 10:55