本文介绍了VBA 字符串规范化(通过 WinAPI)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚开始尝试在 VBA 中编写代码以使用 WinAPI 函数.WinAPI Normalize() 函数使用什么编码?UTF-16 是我所期望的,但以下不起作用.字符数似乎没有正确计算,然后尝试实际创建规范化字符串只会使 Access 崩溃.

I'm new to attempting to write code in VBA to use WinAPI functions. What encoding does the WinAPI Normalize() function work with? UTF-16 is what I would expect, but the following does not work. The number of characters seems like it's not calculated right, and then the attempt to actually create a normalized string will just crash Access.

'not random numbers, but from ...
'for use in calling the Win API Function NormalizeString()
Public Enum normFormEnum
    normFOther = 0
    normFC = 1      'the W3C (Internet) required normalization format
    normFD = 2
    normFKC = 5
    normFKD = 6
End Enum

Private Declare Function NormalizeString Lib "Normaliz" ( _
    ByVal normForm As normFormEnum, _
    ByVal lpSrcString As LongPtr, _
    ByVal cwSrcLength As Long, _
    ByRef lpDstString As LongPtr, _
    ByVal cwDstLength As Long _
    ) As Long

Public Function stringNormalize( _
    ByVal theString As String, _
    Optional ByVal normForm As normFormEnum = normFC _
    ) As String

    Dim nChars As Long
    Dim newString As String

    nChars = NormalizeString(normForm, StrPtr(theString), Len(theString), 0&, 0)

    'prefill the string buffer so it can be altered shortly...
    newString = String(nChars, " ")

Debug.Print nChars
'prints nChars, showing that it 3x the amount of characters.

'The following will crash the application....

'    NormalizeString normForm, StrPtr(theString), Len(theString), StrPtr(newString), nChars

    stringNormalize = newString

End Function


NormalizeString 函数在 cwDstLength 为 0 时返回以字节为单位的估计大小,但您正在使用它作为字符数.

The function NormalizeString returns an estimated size in bytes when cwDstLength is 0, but you are using it as the number of characters.


So take half the result from the first call and truncate the buffer with the result from the second call:

Private Declare PtrSafe Function NormalizeString Lib "Normaliz" ( _
  ByVal normForm As Long, _
  ByVal lpSrcString As LongPtr, _
  ByVal cwSrcLength As Long, _
  ByVal lpDstString As LongPtr, _
  ByVal cwDstLength As Long _
) As Long

Public Enum NormalizationForm
  NormOther = 0
  NormC = 1
  NormD = 2
  NormKC = 5
  NormKD = 6
End Enum

Public Function NormalizeStr(source As String, ByVal normForm As NormalizationForm) As String
  Dim buffer As String, size As Long, i As Long

  For i = 1 To 5
    size = NormalizeString(normForm, StrPtr(source), Len(source), StrPtr(buffer), Len(buffer))

    If size >= 0 And size < Len(buffer) Then
      NormalizeStr = Left$(buffer, size)
      Exit Function
    End If

    buffer = String$(Abs(size) + 1, 0)

  Err.Raise 9, , "NormalizeString failed"
End Function

Public Sub Usage()
  Debug.Print NormalizeStr(ChrW(196), NormD)
  Debug.Print NormalizeStr("A" & ChrW(776), NormC)
End Sub

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08-19 10:45