

现在 JSONLoader 被移除了,之前 JSONLoader 加载的模型怎么加载?

Now the JSONLoader had been removed, how could I load the models that loaded by JSONLoader before?


是的,JSONLoader 已从带有 R99three.js 中删除.但是加载器仍然可以作为 LegacyJSONLoader.如果您将该文件包含在您的项目中,您可以创建一个 LegacyJSONLoader 实例并像以前一样加载您的 JSON 模型.

Yes, JSONLoader was removed from three.js with R99. But the loader is still available as LegacyJSONLoader. If you include the file into your project, you can create an instance of LegacyJSONLoader and load your JSON model as before.

请记住,您使用的是过时的 JSON 格式.您可能需要考虑通过 以便使用面向未来的 3D 格式.以下示例演示了上述导出器的用法:

Keep in mind that you are using an obsolete JSON format. You might want to consider to export your models to glTF via GLTFExporter in order to use a future-proof 3D format. The following example demonstrates the usage of the mentioned exporter:



11-03 02:25