We are using ERP application that stores data to ORACLE database and also we have web applications that uses the same ERP database. We are getting the performance issues when ERP and another application use the same database.
我们计划将oracle数据库镜像到mysql数据库.因此,mysql db用于Web应用程序,而oracle db用于ERP.因此,我们可以说这些新数据库(mysql)是ERP数据库的镜像.
We are planning to do mirroring of oracle database into mysql database. So that mysql db is used for web applications and oracle db is used for ERP. So we could say these new database (mysql) are mirror of ERP database.
What is the best way for mirroring this condition?
您可以将Golden Gate用于此类操作复制.请参见 GoldenGate for Oracle to MySQL dbvisit复制专用的Dbvisit服务器:将数据从Oracle复制到MySQL和SQL Server
You could use Golden Gate for this kind op replication. See GoldenGate for Oracle to MySQLA VERY smart alternative - and very price worthy - would be dbvisit replicate The Dedicated Dbvisit Server : Replicating Data from Oracle to MySQL and SQL Server