本文介绍了如何从Postgres 9.4转储大对象数据,然后将其导入Postgres8.x?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用pg_dump从Postgres 9.4导出包含大对象(LO)的数据,如下所示:

I used pg_dump to export the data including large objects (LO) from Postgres 9.4 like this:

$ pg_dump fhir -O -b > fhir.sql


The LO statements in my generated fhir.sql are like this:

SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.lowrite(0, '\x1f8b0800000000000000a5903b6ec3300c86efa2d9b1dad5a728daa2');

当我在Postgres8.2中执行\i fhir.sql时,出现此错误:

When I executed \i fhir.sql in my Postgres8.2, I got this error:

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type bytea

当我SET standard_conforming_strings = off时,已插入数据,但收到警告,并且pg_largeobject表中的数据为:

When I SET standard_conforming_strings = off, the data was inserted, but I got a warning, and the data in my pg_largeobject table was:

14 |      0 | \0378b0800000000000000a5903b6ec3300c86efa2d9b1dad5a728daa2


The original \x1f was changed to \037, and I had a test, it is no longer my original zip file…




I inserted the same original data into Greenplum(based on Postgresql8.2) with a Hibernate program, and then used pg_dump to export it, its format was like this:

SELECT pg_catalog.lowrite(0, '\\037\\213\\010\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\245\\220;n\\3030\\014')



我发现了一种更简单的工作方式:只需使用pg_dump -b -Fc即可将包括LO在内的数据导出到自定义文件中,然后再使用与pg_dump相同版本的pg_restore即可,该版本用于导出数据以导入自定义文件将数据归档到greenplum中.

I found out an easier way to work: just use pg_dump -b -Fc to export data including LO into a custom file, later use pg_restore of the same version of pg_dump which you used to export data to import the custom file data into greenplum.


$ pg_dump fhir -O -a -Fc  -f fhir.dump
$ pg_restore -h mdw -d fhir -U gpadmin -a fhir.dump > errors.log 2>&1


A point fact I've missed is that lo_export exports binary data which is able to be imported into greenplum perfectly.


My solution(for my situation):

  1. 分别从Postgres9.4导出纯数据(使用pg_dump,不包括LO)和LO数据(使用lo_export).
  2. 将纯数据转储导入Greenplum
  3. 使用lo_import导入LO数据,这将生成一些新的oid(从Postgres8.4开始的lo_import中带有oidlo_import),同时使用这些新的oid.
  1. export the plain data(using pg_dump,exclude LO) and LO data(using lo_export) from Postgres9.4 separately.
  2. import the plain data dump into Greenplum
  3. import the LO data with lo_import, this will generate some new oid(lo_import with oid started from Postgres8.4), meanwhile update the corresponding oid of the referenced table with these new oid.


  1. 从Postgres9.4导出纯数据

  1. export plain data from Postgres9.4

 $ pg_dump fhir -O -a -n public -f fhir.dmp

  • 从某些包含LO数据的表中导出LO,并用原始oid命名导出的文件

  • export LO from some table containing LO data, naming the exported files with the original oids

    SELECT lo_export(res_text, '/usr/local/pgsql/export/res_lo/'||res_text) FROM hfj_resource;

  • 将纯数据导入Greenplum

  • import plain data into Greenplum

    \i fhir.dmp

  • 在Greenplum中创建一个函数以导入LO并更新引用的oids

  • create a function in Greenplum to import LO and update referenced oids

    CREATE FUNCTION import_lo(tab_name text, lo_path text) RETURNS void AS $$
        res record;
        new_oid oid;
        FOR res in EXECUTE 'select res_text from '||$1 LOOP
            new_oid := lo_import($2||'/'||res.res_text);
            RAISE NOTICE 'res_text from % to %', res.res_text, new_oid;
            EXECUTE 'update '||$1||' set res_text='||new_oid||'where res_text='||res.res_text;
        END LOOP;
        RAISE NOTICE 'import large object into % finished .....', $1;
     $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

  • 导入LO

  • import LO

    SELECT import_lo('hfj_resource', '/home/gpadmin/export/res_lo');

  • 这篇关于如何从Postgres 9.4转储大对象数据,然后将其导入Postgres8.x?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    08-19 10:03