

我尝试为仿真器大灾变建立一个solutin我失败了,因为错误大约是20个在difernet文件中重复出现的错误,所以我选择不直接发布错误行,因为错误的内容太小了,所以我将它们归档并上传,表示歉意我的英语能力低,如果您可以帮助我建立这个,我将不胜感激,我的Skype ID被删除,即使我很幸运,我也选择了Skype becose,有人回答我我不知道该如何申请到.cpp或.h文件中,因为是线条的猎犬,我想解决方案必须放在一些特定的地方,特别感谢您的见解,并特别感谢决定帮助构建此解决方案的人.

http://fbe.am/cHE [ ^ ]

Hi i try to build a solutin for a emulator cataclysm i failed to succed becose the errors are around 20 that reapeating in difernet files i choose to not post directly the errors lines becose are to menny so i arhive them and upload , apologize me low englesh skill , if you can help me building this i will appreciate , my skype id is deleted i choose skype becose even if im lucky and some one answer me i dont know how to apply into the .cpp or .h files becose there are houndreats of lines and i suppose the solution must be place some where specific thanks for views and reply specialy for the person who decide to help building this .




08-19 09:55