我已将一些源代码从一个旧 xcode项目复制并粘贴到另一个新项目.
I have copied and pasted some source code from one old xcode-project to another new project.
Included in the copied code where some @IBOutlets and @IBActions. My intention was to later on hook them up to the storyboard in the new project. However, xcode somehow managed to copy the references to the old project's storyboard. How can I get rid of those references?
Update: After having added a connection from my storyboard to the buyButton, xcode indicates that the buyButton is connected to two different storyboards.
我目前的结论是 xcode (7.3.1)包含 bug (或缺点).
My current conclusion is that xcode (7.3.1) contains a bug (or shortcoming).
If I terminate xcode and then open my new project then everything looks good.
If I then open the old project, and also open the old storyboard within that project, then the false bullet links becomes visible in my new project.
My guess is that xcode scans through all storyboards, that are currently opened in any project, to find a link between an outlet name such as "buyButton" and a storyboard.