

我正在开发我的第一个NextJS应用程序.当我运行"npm run dev"或"npm run start"时,它将我的应用程序部署到









使用其他应用程序(例如react/vue/angular/native JS),我仅构建应用程序并将构建代码放在服务器上的"my-test-application/path-for-my-app"文件夹中. /p>






|- pages
     |- my-test-application
           |- path-for-my-app
                |- index.js
                |- page1.js

<Link href="/my-test-application/path-for-my-app/page1" >










  • next-images:为了在使用反向代理时从"public"导入静态图像
  • @ zeit/next-css:为了使用样式表文件
  • 以及通常的NextJS依赖项



  • assetPrefix:在访问组件,样式表,页面等时,由NextJS使用
  • publicRuntimeConfig.basePath:在s中使用,因此指定要添加到链接的前缀,在使用公共图像时在"元素的"src"标签中使用


const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

// Enable importing of css stylesheets
const withCSS = require("@zeit/next-css");
const withImages = require('next-images');

 * Gets the BASE_PATH from the command used to start this app.
 * If BASE_PATH is specified but it does not start with a "/"
 * then add it.
function getBasePath() {
    var basePath = ''

    if (isProd && process.env.BASE_PATH){
        if (process.env.BASE_PATH.startsWith("/") ){
            basePath = process.env.BASE_PATH;
        } else {
            basePath = "/" + process.env.BASE_PATH;

    console.log("getBasePath() : isProd = " + isProd);
    console.log("getBasePath() : basePath = " + basePath);

    return basePath

module.exports = withCSS(withImages({
    assetPrefix: getBasePath() ,

    publicRuntimeConfig: {
        basePath: getBasePath() ,





import '../stylesheets/main.css';

import img1 from '../public/image_name1.png'
import img2 from '../public/image_name2.png'

export default class o extends React.Component {

        var prefix = publicRuntimeConfig.basePath
        return  (
            <div >
                <a className="icon" href="http://www.image_name.com" >
                    <img src={img1} alt="image_name1"/>
                <a className="icon" href="http://www.image_name2.com">
                    <img  src={img1} alt="image_name2"/>

注意:我尝试使用publicRuntimeConfig.basePath作为src URL的前缀(如下所示),但这在我的部署环境中不起作用(请参见以下内容)

    import getConfig from 'next/config'
    const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig()
    <a className="icon" href="http://www.image_name.com" >
        <img src={`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath}/image_name1.png`} alt="image_name1"/>



import Link from 'next/link';
import '../stylesheets/main.css';

import getConfig from 'next/config'
const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig()

const detailId1 = "banana"

const Header = () => (
            <Link href={`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath || ''}/`}>
                <a className="linkStyle">Home</a>

            <Link href={`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath || ''}/about`} >
                <a className="linkStyle">About</a>

            <Link href={`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath || ''}/details/[id]`}
                  as= {`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath || ''}/details/${detailId1}`} >
                <a className="linkStyle">Details Var 1</a>

export default Header;

注意:在博客 https://levelup.gitconnected.com/deploy-your-nextjs-application-on-a-different-base-path-ie-not-root-1c4d210cce8a ,包含一个为您添加前缀的"Link.tsx",因此您只需使用该Link组件(从"./Link.tsx"导入Link;),而不是nextJS版本(从'next/link导入Link) ';).但是,当我在链接URL中有变量时,"Link.tsx"对我不起作用.



npm run dev

由于未指定BASE_PATH,因此应可从" http://localhost:3000 和您的src访问应用程序值应为"/image_name1.png",将鼠标悬停在s上时,您将看到链接为" http://localhost :3000/pagename "


export BASE_PATH=a/b
npm run dev

注意:由于某种原因,在我的环境中,如果我指定"export BASE_PATH =/a/b"(/在路径的开头),则会在该路径的开头添加一个文件夹目录.因此,我在没有开始/的情况下指定了它,并且next.config.js中的代码在需要时添加了开始/.

您无法通过" http://localhost:3000 访问您的应用,因为您具有基本路径/assetPrefix/publicRuntimeConfig.basePath设置.现在您需要反向代理.


我发现最简单的设置是使用NGINX docker映像.您需要使用包含重定向到NextJS应用程序的配置来运行NGINX.


server {
    listen 80;
    server_name  localhost;

    location /a/b/ {
        proxy_pass http://myhost:3000/;


  • 您必须在proxy_pass URL的末尾加上/,否则其他路径不会传递到NextJS应用程序中
  • 如果在该位置使用变量,则必须确保包括传递路径


location ~ /a/b/(.*)$ {
    set $upstream http://myhost:3000/$1;
    proxy_pass $upstream;

在该目录的命令提示符下,运行NGINX docker映像,告诉它使用您的配置文件.

docker run --name mynginx1 -v C:/zNGINX/testnginx/conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d -p 80:80 -d nginx

  • 泊坞窗容器的名称为"mynginx1"
  • v参数告诉它将计算机上"C:/zNGINX/testnginx/conf"中的所有文件复制到docker容器中的"/etc/nginx/conf.d"目录中.这会将您的"default.conf"复制到docker容器中,NGINX将读取该配置文件.
  • 注意:请确保您在docker位置(:/etc/nginx/conf.d")的路径中具有"conf.d",我阅读的博客不包括此部分,它仅指定了:". /etc/nginx/",如果没有该图片,则无法启动.
  • p参数告诉在端口80上运行NGINX



NGINX会将URL重定向到" http://localhost:3000 ".因此,现在应该可以从具有基本路径的URL访问您的应用程序.单击s应该可以工作,链接中应包含指向NGINX的基本路径,该路径将重定向回应用程序,并剥离该基本路径,并保留所有其他路径.

使用Docker的Real World Server部署


export BASE_PATH=a/b
npm run build

cp package*.json [server_location]
cp next.config.js [server_location]
cp ./next [server_location]


npm install
export BASE_PATH=a/b
npm run start


I am working on my first NextJS application. When I run "npm run dev" or "npm run start" it deploys my application to


When I navigate to a page the url becomes


I need to have my own specific URL, such as


Furthermore, my app has a lot of elements to link to other areas of the applications, i need these to also go to URL with the basePath and not just go to the root path.

I will also be depolying this app to different servers which will have different basePaths, therefore this can not be hardcoded in my app.

How can I do this?

With other applications such as react/vue/angular/native JS, I simply build my application and put the build code in a "my-test-application/path-for-my-app" folder on my server.

I tried this with my NextJS application but i got an error that ".next" folder could not be found.

I googled and could find some references to using "assetPrefix" or using "Zones". However I do not really understand what I am supposed to do.

How do i get my app deployed to specific URL

Solution 1: Restructure "pages" - Does not enable me to deploy to different servers with different basePaths

I could create the folder structure inside my "pages" directory and change all my elements to use this folder structure.

|- pages
     |- my-test-application
           |- path-for-my-app
                |- index.js
                |- page1.js

<Link href="/my-test-application/path-for-my-app/page1" >

I dislike this solution as the basePath is hardcoded into my application, as to apposed to a deployment setting.

If I wanted to deploy my app on 2 servers with different basePaths (i.e. below) I would have to have 2 versions of the code.


Updated: I have updated this question on 5th March to include my need for s to work and one solution which I do not like.


I found a solution using NGINX to reverse proxy a URL with the base path.

Useful links

Application Changes


  • next-images : in order to import static images from "public" when using a reverse proxy
  • @zeit/next-css : in order to use stylesheet files
  • as well as usual NextJS dependencies


Add a "next.config.js" file at the root of your application so that you can specify the "assetPrefix" and "publicRuntimeConfig.basePath"

  • assetPrefix : used by NextJS when accessing components, stylesheets, pages etc
  • publicRuntimeConfig.basePath : used in s so specify the prefix to add to the link, used in "src" tags of "" elements when using public images


const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

// Enable importing of css stylesheets
const withCSS = require("@zeit/next-css");
const withImages = require('next-images');

 * Gets the BASE_PATH from the command used to start this app.
 * If BASE_PATH is specified but it does not start with a "/"
 * then add it.
function getBasePath() {
    var basePath = ''

    if (isProd && process.env.BASE_PATH){
        if (process.env.BASE_PATH.startsWith("/") ){
            basePath = process.env.BASE_PATH;
        } else {
            basePath = "/" + process.env.BASE_PATH;

    console.log("getBasePath() : isProd = " + isProd);
    console.log("getBasePath() : basePath = " + basePath);

    return basePath

module.exports = withCSS(withImages({
    assetPrefix: getBasePath() ,

    publicRuntimeConfig: {
        basePath: getBasePath() ,


Static images

Use "next-images" in order to import the images and reference the imported object in the 's src tags

Change any references to your static images (those in /public folder) to have the base path prefix. For example my "Footer" component has the following

import '../stylesheets/main.css';

import img1 from '../public/image_name1.png'
import img2 from '../public/image_name2.png'

export default class o extends React.Component {

        var prefix = publicRuntimeConfig.basePath
        return  (
            <div >
                <a className="icon" href="http://www.image_name.com" >
                    <img src={img1} alt="image_name1"/>
                <a className="icon" href="http://www.image_name2.com">
                    <img  src={img1} alt="image_name2"/>

Note: I tried to use the publicRuntimeConfig.basePath as a prefix to the src URL (as below), but this did not work in my deployed environment (see below)

    import getConfig from 'next/config'
    const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig()
    <a className="icon" href="http://www.image_name.com" >
        <img src={`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath}/image_name1.png`} alt="image_name1"/>


Change your Link's to use the base path prefix, for example in my "Header" component i have the following

import Link from 'next/link';
import '../stylesheets/main.css';

import getConfig from 'next/config'
const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig()

const detailId1 = "banana"

const Header = () => (
            <Link href={`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath || ''}/`}>
                <a className="linkStyle">Home</a>

            <Link href={`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath || ''}/about`} >
                <a className="linkStyle">About</a>

            <Link href={`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath || ''}/details/[id]`}
                  as= {`${publicRuntimeConfig.basePath || ''}/details/${detailId1}`} >
                <a className="linkStyle">Details Var 1</a>

export default Header;

Note: In the blog https://levelup.gitconnected.com/deploy-your-nextjs-application-on-a-different-base-path-i-e-not-root-1c4d210cce8a, it contains a "Link.tsx" that does the adding of the prefix for you, so you simply use that Link component (import Link from "./Link.tsx";) and not the nextJS version (import Link from 'next/link';). However, that "Link.tsx" does not work for me when I have variables in my link URLs.

Running your nextjs app

When running your application locally when you do NOT want a base path you can just running

npm run dev

As no BASE_PATH is specified your application should be accessible from "http://localhost:3000" and your src values should be "/image_name1.png" and when you hover over your s you will see the link is "http://localhost:3000/pagename"

When you want to run with a base path do the following

export BASE_PATH=a/b
npm run dev

Note: for some reason in my environment if i specify "export BASE_PATH=/a/b" (/ at the start of the path) I get a folder directory added to the beginning of the path. Therefore i specify it without the starting / and the code in next.config.js adds the starting / if need be.

You can not access your app at "http://localhost:3000" as you have the base path/assetPrefix/publicRuntimeConfig.basePath set. Now you need a reverse proxy.

NGINX : Reverse Proxy

I found the easiest setup was to use a NGINX docker image. You need to run NGINX with a configuration containing the redirection to your NextJS app.

Create a folder and add in that folder a "default.conf" file. Make sure the path you put in your "location" is the SAME path you specified for BASE_PATH when starting your nextjs app.

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name  localhost;

    location /a/b/ {
        proxy_pass http://myhost:3000/;

Important Notes:

  • you have to have the trailing / on the end of your proxy_pass URL otherwise additional paths are not passed onto your NextJS apoplication
  • if you use a variable in the location you must make sure you include passing on the paths


location ~ /a/b/(.*)$ {
    set $upstream http://myhost:3000/$1;
    proxy_pass $upstream;

In a command prompt from that directory run a NGINX docker image, telling it to use your config file.

docker run --name mynginx1 -v C:/zNGINX/testnginx/conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d -p 80:80 -d nginx

  • name of the docker container is "mynginx1"
  • the v parameter is telling it to copy any files in "C:/zNGINX/testnginx/conf" on your computer to the "/etc/nginx/conf.d" directory in the docker container. This will copy your "default.conf" to the docker container and NGINX will read that configuration file.
  • Note: Make sure you have the "conf.d" in your path for the docker location (":/etc/nginx/conf.d"), blogs I read did not include this part, it only specified ":/etc/nginx/", and without it the image doesn't start.
  • the p parameter is telling to run NGINX on port 80

Go to the following URL


NGINX will redirect that URL to "http://localhost:3000". Therefore your application should now be accessible from the URL with the base path. Clicking on s should work, the link should contain the base path which goes to NGINX which redirects back to the application stripping off the base path leaving any other paths.

Real World Server Deployment using Docker

If you are deploying your application to a server, as apposed to running locally, you can build your application and then copy the relevant files/folders to the server machine. Make sure you have the BASE_PATH set when both building and running your app

export BASE_PATH=a/b
npm run build

cp package*.json [server_location]
cp next.config.js [server_location]
cp ./next [server_location]

then on that server location run

npm install
export BASE_PATH=a/b
npm run start

Note: If you have images in "public" that you reference in your app, use "next-images" and import the image rather than use the publicRuntimeConfig.basePath as a prefix. When i did the latter the images were not found. See the section about about images for examples.


08-19 09:37