




I am planning to develop a fairly small SaaS service. Every business client will have an associated database (same schema among clients' databases, different data). In addition, they will have a unique domain pointing to the web app, and here I see these 2 options:

  1. 该域名将指向一个独特的web应用程序,这将改变
    域。 (也就是说,我需要部署只有一个Web应用程序。)

  2. 的域名将指向自己的Web应用程序,这是真的
    连接字符串到客户端的数据库中。 (也就是说,我需要

这是一个ASP.NET MVC 4.0 3.0的Web应用程序,将在IIS 7.0上运行。这将是相当小的,但我确实需要具有可扩展性。如果我有1或2去?

This is for an ASP.NET 4.0 MVC 3.0 web app that will run on IIS 7.0. It will be fairly small, but I do require to be scalable. Should I go with 1 or 2?



This MSDN article is a great resource that goes into detail about the advantages of three patterns:

  1. 分居DB 。每个应用程序实例都有自己的数据库实例。更简单,但可能难以从数据库基础设施的角度来看,以管理。

  2. 分隔的模式即可。每个应用程序实例共享一个数据库,而是通过架构进行分区。需要更多一点的编码工作,并减轻一些完全独立的模式的挑战,但是如果你需要个人网站的备份仍然有困难/恢复之类的东西。

  3. 共享模式即可。您的应用程序负责划分基础上,应用实例中的数据。这需要最多的工作,但是最灵活的数据管理方面。

  1. Separated DB. Each app instance has its own DB instance. Easier, but can be difficult to administer from a database infrastructure standpoint.
  2. Separated schema. Each app instance shares a DB but is partitioned via schemas. Requires a little more coding work, and mitigates some of the challenges of a totally separate schema, but still has difficulties if you need individual site backup/restore and things like that.
  3. Shared schema. Your app is responsible for partitioning the data based on the app instance. This requires the most work, but is most flexible in terms of management of the data.


In terms of how your app handles it, the DB design will probably determine that. I have in the past done both shared DB and shared schema. In the separated DB approach, I usually separate the app instances as well. In the shared schema approach, it's the same app with logic to modify what data is available based on login and/or hostname.


08-19 09:31