




I have collected all the information for each of my customer and would like to populate CustomerID information on my initial view which is listView. However, I think I am on one level top of the object and I do not know how to get CustomerID information on my listView.


Also I would like to pass selected item object information to the next view to show the rest of corresponding customer information.

private IEnumerable <IDictionary<string,object>> myData;
List <Customer> list= new List<Customer>();
var listView= new ListView();

foreach (var customers in myData) {
    list.Add(new Customer((string)customers["CustomerID"],
                (string)customers ["CompanyName"],
                (string)customers ["ContactName"],
                (string)customers ["ContactTitle"],
                (string)customers ["Address"],
                (string)customers ["Region"],
                (string)customers ["PostalCode"],
                (string)customers ["City"],
                (string)customers ["Fax"],
                (string)customers ["Phone"]


SearchBar searchBar = new SearchBar
    Placeholder = "Xamarin.Forms Property",

Padding = new Thickness (10, 20, 10, 10);
Content = new StackLayout () {

listView.ItemSelected += (sender, e) => {
    //my next view is DetailPage


您的的ItemsSource 是对象的集合。

您需要创建一个的ItemTemplate ,然后将使用的为每个项目此集合内进行渲染。

You will need to create an ItemTemplate that will then be used for each item within this collection to render from.

在这个的ItemTemplate 您可以添加各种 Xamarin.Forms细胞,看到的,或从派生创建自己的布局 ViewCell

Within this ItemTemplate you can add various Xamarin.Forms Cells, see here, or create your own layout by deriving from ViewCell.

有是一个的ListView 使用自定义类的,实现页面的结束,这将是对你非常有用的两个代码隐藏 XAML 的方法。

There is a tutorial with a ListView using custom classes here, towards the end of the page that will be quite useful to you in both code-behind and XAML approaches.

这也说明如何进行选择的值,并通过这个到另一个页面,通过查看在 listView.SelectedItem ,并投射到您的模型。

It also shows how to take a selected value and pass this on to another page, by looking at the selected value in listView.SelectedItem and casting it to your model.


08-19 09:13