网站类别滑块线框例如: 当前查看的类别是技术"部门,上一个按钮可能会显示汽车"部门,下一个按钮可能会显示显示法律"部门. 我了解下面的代码将允许我访问类别名称技术".然而,这需要以动态的方式完成.{{employees[0].category}}在此之下,我将包含所有我认为相关的代码.JSON 文件:[{"category": "技术","shortname": "技术","icon": "fa-desktop",卡片":[{"id": "card-1","name": "乔治·索弗罗尼欧","shortname": "G_Sof","年龄": "23","company": "Pirean Ltd.","role": "研究生 UI 开发人员"},{"id": "card-2","name": "史蒂夫·乔布斯","shortname": "S_Jobs","age": "56 (已故)","company": "苹果公司",角色":前任CEO"},{"id": "card-3","name": "马克·扎克伯格","shortname": "M_Zuck","年龄": "30","公司": "脸书",角色":CEO"},{"id": "card-4","name": "蒂姆·库克","shortname": "T_Cook","年龄": "54","company": "苹果公司",角色":CEO"},{"id": "card-5","name": "乔尼·艾夫","shortname": "J_Ive","年龄": "48","company": "苹果公司",角色":设计高级副总裁"},{"id": "card-6","name": "玛丽莎梅耶","shortname": "M_May","年龄": "39","company": "雅虎!",角色":CEO"},{"id": "card-7","name": "伊夫·比哈尔","shortname": "Y_Beh","年龄": "47","company": "Fuseproject",角色":创始人"}]},{"category": "电机","shortname": "mot","icon": "fa-car",卡片":[{"name": "埃隆·马斯克","shortname": "E_Musk","年龄": "43","company": "特斯拉汽车",角色":CEO"}]},{"category": "足球","shortname": "脚","icon": "fa-futbol-o",卡片":[{"id": "card-1","name": "亚历克斯·弗格森爵士","shortname": "A_Fer","年龄": "73","公司": "不适用",角色":退休"}]},{"类别": "法律","shortname": "法律","icon": "fa-gavel",卡片":[{"id": "card-1","name": "哈维幽灵","shortname": "H_Spec","年龄": "43","company": "Pearson Spectre Litt","role": "名称合作伙伴"}]}]HTML 代码:<div class="slider-container"><!-- 搜索内容--><!-- 控制:真--><div class="content-results bxslider"bx-slider="mode: 'horizo​​ntal', pager: true, nextSelector: '#next', prevSelector: '#prev', nextText: '<i class=\'fa fa-chevron-right\'><;/i>', prevText: '<i class=\'fa fa-chevron-left\'></i>', minSlides: 1, maxSlides:1, infiniteLoop: true,adaptiveHeight: true, hideControlOnEnd: 假"><!-- 员工--><div class="cards-container"ng-repeat="过滤后的项目 = (员工 | 过滤器: 查询 | orderBy:empOrder:direction )"通知重复完成><div class="category" ng-animate="'animate'" ><div class="category-title"><h1 class="title-cat"><i class="fa {{item.icon}}"></i>&nbsp;{{ item.category }}</h1><div class="category-cards-container"><div class="employee-card card" ng-repeat="employee in Filtered = ( | filter: query | orderBy:empOrder:direction )" dom-manipulation><!-- 前卡--><div class="front"><div class="pic-container"><img ng-src="../static/images/placeholders/{{employee.shortname }}.jpg" class="emp-pic" alt="{{ }}的照片"><h3 class="emp-name">{{ }}</h3><div class="变暗"></div><ul class="emp-details"><li class="detail emp-age"><h5>年龄:<small>{{employee.age }}</small></h5><li class="detail emp-role"><h5>角色:<br><small>{{employee.role }}</small></h5><li class="detail emp-company"><h5>公司:<br><small>{{ }}</small></h5><!-- 结束前卡--><!-- 背卡--><div class="back"><div id="地图加载"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i><div id="maps-container"><div id="googleMap"></div><i class="fa fa-times"></i><!-- END Back Card --><!-- 没有匹配项--><div class="no-match" ng-show="filtered.length == 0"><h3 class="no-matchText">您的搜索未提供匹配项!</h3><!-- END 没有匹配项--><!-- 结束员工--><!-- 结束搜索内容--><!-- 下一个 &上一个按钮 --><div class="btn-nextprev"><div class="next-container"><a href="" class="btn btn-next" id="next"></a><div class="prev-container"><a href="" class="btn btn-prev" id="prev"></a><!-- END Next &上一个按钮 --><!-- END 滑块容器 -->AngularJS:控制器var personControllers = angular.module('personControllers', ['ngAnimate']);//人员搜索控制器personControllers.controller('PersonList', ['$scope', '$http',函数($scope,$http){$http.get('../static/scripts/data2.json').成功(功能(数据){console.log("加载了 JSON 文件");控制台日志(数据);$scope.employees = 数据;//$scope.empOrder = 'name';}).错误(功能(){console.log("JSON 文件未加载");});}]);编辑更新的控制器var personControllers = angular.module('personControllers', ['ngAnimate']);//人员搜索控制器personControllers.controller('PersonList', ['$scope', '$http',函数($scope,$http){$http.get('../static/scripts/data2.json').成功(功能(数据){console.log("加载了 JSON 文件");控制台日志(数据);$scope.employees = 数据;//$scope.empOrder = 'name';//下一个&上一个按钮类别标签$scope.getNextCategoryIndex = function(currentIndex){var nextIndex = currentIndex+1;if( nextIndex >= $scope.employees.length ){//如果在列表末尾则移动到开始下一个索引 = 0;}返回下一个索引;}$scope.getPrevCategoryIndex = function(currentIndex){var prevIndex = currentIndex+1;如果(上一个索引 更新下一个/上一个按钮<div class="btn-nextprev"><div class="next-container"><a href="" class="btn btn-next" id="next">{{员工[getNextCategoryIndex($index)].category }}</a><div class="prev-container"><a href="" class="btn btn-prev" id="prev">{{ 员工[getPrevCategoryIndex($index)].category }}</a><!-- END Next &上一个按钮 --> 解决方案 我可能会这样做:为控制器创建函数以获取上一个和下一个索引(以处理索引溢出):$scope.getNextCategoryIndex = function(currentIndex) {var nextIndex = currentIndex+1;if (nextIndex >= $scope.employees.length) {//如果我们已经在列表的末尾,则移到开始下一个索引 = 0;}返回下一个索引;}$scope.getPrevCategoryIndex = function(currentIndex) {var prevIndex = currentIndex+1;如果(上一个索引然后在 HTML 中使用 $index(ng-repeat 的当前索引,参见 ngRepeat 的 AngularJS 文档 以获取更多详细信息)作为参数: <!-- Next &上一个按钮 --><div class="btn-nextprev"><div class="next-container"><a href="" class="btn btn-next" id="next">{{员工[getNextCategoryIndex($index)].category}}</a><div class="prev-container"><a href="" class="btn btn-prev" id="prev">{{员工[getPrevCategoryIndex($index)].category}}</a><!-- END Next &上一个按钮 -->Background:I have created an AngularJS test app which, obtains data from a JSON file, which is separated into categories and within each category is an employee card which is displayed through ng-repeat. These categories can then be viewed utilising a slider (using bxSlider).Aim:With bxSlider you can use custom Next/Previous buttons, what I wanted to achieve was to dynamically display the relevant category names in the Next/Previous buttons (please see annotation link below - my level does not allow me to post images).Website Category Slider WireframeFor example: the current category on view is the 'Technology' department, the previous button may then show 'Motors' department and the next button may show 'Law' department.I understand that the code below would allow me to access the Category name 'Technology'. However this needs to be done in a dynamic nature.{{employees[0].category}}Below this I will include all what I believe to be relevant code.JSON file:[ { "category": "Technology", "shortname": "tech", "icon": "fa-desktop", "cards": [ { "id": "card-1", "name": "George Sofroniou", "shortname": "G_Sof", "age": "23", "company": "Pirean Ltd.", "role": "Graduate UI Developer" }, { "id": "card-2", "name": "Steve Jobs", "shortname": "S_Jobs", "age": "56 (Died)", "company": "Apple Inc.", "role": "Former CEO" }, { "id": "card-3", "name": "Mark Zuckerberg", "shortname": "M_Zuck", "age": "30", "company": "Facebook", "role": "CEO" }, { "id": "card-4", "name": "Tim Cook", "shortname": "T_Cook", "age": "54", "company": "Apple Inc.", "role": "CEO" }, { "id": "card-5", "name": "Jony Ive", "shortname": "J_Ive", "age": "48", "company": "Apple Inc.", "role": "Senior Vice President of Design" }, { "id": "card-6", "name": "Marissa Mayer", "shortname": "M_May", "age": "39", "company": "Yahoo!", "role": "CEO" }, { "id": "card-7", "name": "Yves Behar", "shortname": "Y_Beh", "age": "47", "company": "Fuseproject", "role": "Founder" } ] }, { "category": "Motors", "shortname": "mot", "icon": "fa-car", "cards": [ { "name": "Elon Musk", "shortname": "E_Musk", "age": "43", "company": "Tesla Motors", "role": "CEO" } ] }, { "category": "Football", "shortname": "foot", "icon": "fa-futbol-o", "cards": [ { "id": "card-1", "name": "Sir Alex Ferguson", "shortname": "A_Fer", "age": "73", "company": "N/A", "role": "Retired" } ] }, { "category": "Law", "shortname": "law", "icon": "fa-gavel", "cards": [ { "id": "card-1", "name": "Harvey Specter", "shortname": "H_Spec", "age": "43", "company": "Pearson Specter Litt", "role": "Name Partner" } ] }]HTML Code:<!-- Slider Container --> <div class="slider-container"> <!-- Search Content --> <!-- controls: true --> <div class="content-results bxslider" bx-slider="mode: 'horizontal', pager: true, nextSelector: '#next', prevSelector: '#prev', nextText: '<i class=\'fa fa-chevron-right\'></i>', prevText: '<i class=\'fa fa-chevron-left\'></i>', minSlides: 1, maxSlides:1, infiniteLoop: true, adaptiveHeight: true, hideControlOnEnd: false"> <!-- Employee --> <div class="cards-container" ng-repeat="item in filtered = ( employees | filter: query | orderBy:empOrder:direction )" notify-repeat-finished> <div class="category" ng-animate="'animate'" > <div class="category-title"> <h1 class="title-cat"><i class="fa {{item.icon}}"></i>&nbsp;{{ item.category }}</h1> </div> <div class="category-cards-container"> <div class="employee-card card" ng-repeat="employee in filtered = ( | filter: query | orderBy:empOrder:direction )" dom-manipulation> <!-- Front Card --> <div class="front"> <div class="pic-container"> <img ng-src="../static/images/placeholders/{{ employee.shortname }}.jpg" class="emp-pic" alt="Photo of {{ }}"> <h3 class="emp-name">{{ }}</h3> <div class="darken"></div> </div> <ul class="emp-details"> <li class="detail emp-age"> <h5>Age: <small>{{ employee.age }}</small></h5> </li> <li class="detail emp-role"> <h5>Role: <br><small>{{ employee.role }}</small></h5> </li> <li class="detail emp-company"> <h5>Company: <br><small>{{ }}</small></h5> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- END Front Card --> <!-- Back Card --> <div class="back"> <div id="map-load"> <i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> </div> <div id="maps-container"> <div id="googleMap"></div> </div> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> </div> <!-- END Back Card --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- No Matches --> <div class="no-match" ng-show="filtered.length == 0"> <h3 class="no-matchText">Your search provides no matches!</h3> </div> <!-- END No Matches --> </div> <!-- END Employee --> </div> <!-- END Search Content --> <!-- Next & Previous Buttons --> <div class="btn-nextprev"> <div class="next-container"> <a href="" class="btn btn-next" id="next"> </a> </div> <div class="prev-container"> <a href="" class="btn btn-prev" id="prev"> </a> </div> </div> <!-- END Next & Previous Buttons --> </div> <!-- END Slider Container -->AngularJS:Controllervar personControllers = angular.module('personControllers', ['ngAnimate']);//PersonSearch ControllerpersonControllers.controller('PersonList', ['$scope', '$http',function($scope, $http) { $http.get('../static/scripts/data2.json'). success(function(data) { console.log("JSON file loaded"); console.log(data); $scope.employees = data; //$scope.empOrder = 'name'; }). error(function(){ console.log("JSON file NOT loaded"); });}]);EDITUpdated Controllervar personControllers = angular.module('personControllers', ['ngAnimate']);//PersonSearch ControllerpersonControllers.controller('PersonList', ['$scope', '$http',function($scope, $http) { $http.get('../static/scripts/data2.json'). success(function(data) { console.log("JSON file loaded"); console.log(data); $scope.employees = data; //$scope.empOrder = 'name'; //Next & Previous Button Category Label $scope.getNextCategoryIndex = function(currentIndex){ var nextIndex = currentIndex+1; if( nextIndex >= $scope.employees.length ){ //move to start if at list end nextIndex = 0; } return nextIndex; } $scope.getPrevCategoryIndex = function(currentIndex){ var prevIndex = currentIndex+1; if( prevIndex < 0 ){ //move to the last index, if already at the start prevIndex = $scope.employees.length - 1; } return prevIndex; } }). error(function(){ console.log("JSON file NOT loaded"); });}]);Updated Next/Previous Buttons<!-- Next & Previous Buttons --> <div class="btn-nextprev"> <div class="next-container"> <a href="" class="btn btn-next" id="next"> {{ employees[getNextCategoryIndex($index)].category }} </a> </div> <div class="prev-container"> <a href="" class="btn btn-prev" id="prev"> {{ employees[getPrevCategoryIndex($index)].category }} </a> </div> </div> <!-- END Next & Previous Buttons --> 解决方案 I would probably do something like this: create functions to your controller to get the previous and next indexes (to handle the index overflows):$scope.getNextCategoryIndex = function(currentIndex) { var nextIndex = currentIndex+1; if (nextIndex >= $scope.employees.length) { // move over to start if we already were at the end of the list nextIndex = 0; } return nextIndex;}$scope.getPrevCategoryIndex = function(currentIndex) { var prevIndex = currentIndex+1; if (prevIndex < 0) { // move over to the last index, if we already are at the start prevIndex = $scope.employees.length - 1; } return prevIndex;}And then in the HTML call those functions using $index (the current index of ng-repeat, see AngularJS documentation for ngRepeat for more details) as parameter: <!-- Next & Previous Buttons --> <div class="btn-nextprev"> <div class="next-container"> <a href="" class="btn btn-next" id="next"> {{employees[getNextCategoryIndex($index)].category}} </a> </div> <div class="prev-container"> <a href="" class="btn btn-prev" id="prev"> {{employees[getPrevCategoryIndex($index)].category}} </a> </div> </div> <!-- END Next & Previous Buttons --> 这篇关于AngularJS &amp;JSON - 从上一个 &amp; 获取值下一个对象的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-19 09:08