




I have read a image file into a array like this

A = imread(fileName);

现在我要计算香农熵. maltab中的Shannon熵实现是字节级熵分析,它认为文件由256个字节级组成.

and now i want to calculate shannon entropy. The shannon entropy implementation found in maltab is a byte level entropy analysis which considers a file to be composed of 256 byte levels.



But i need to perform a bigram entropy analysis which would need to view a file as consisting of 65536 levels. Could anyone suggest me a good method of accomplishing this.



The entropy of a random variable can be calculated using the following formula:


给出一组n观测值(x1, x2, .... xn)然后,对所有x值的范围计算P(X=x)(在您的情况下,该值将在(0 and 65535)之间,然后求和所有值.这是最简单的方法正在使用hist

Given a set of n observations (x1, x2, .... xn) You then compute P(X=x) for the range all x values (in your case it would be between (0 and 65535) and then sum across all values. The easiest way to do this is using hist

byteLevel = 65536
% count the observations

observationHist = hist(observations, byteLevel);
% convert to a probability
probXVal = observationHist ./ sum(observationHist);

% compute the entropy
entropy = - sum( probXVal .* log2(probXVal) );


There are several implementations of this on the file exchange that are worth checking out.


Note: where are you getting that wentropy is using 256 byte levels? I don't see that anywhere in the docks? Remember that in Matlab the pixels of a color image have 3 channels (R,G,B) with each channel requiring 8 bits (or 256 byte levels?).

此外,由于每个通道都绑定在[0 256)之间,因此您可以创建从P(R=r,G=g,B=b)P(X=x)的映射,如下所示:

Also because each channel is bound between [0 256) you could create a mapping from P(R=r,G=g,B=b) to P(X=x) as follows:

data = imageData(:,:,1);
data = data + (imgData(:,:,2) * 256);
data = data + (imgData(:,:,3) * 256 * 256);


I believe you can then use data to calculate the total entropy of the image where each channel is independent.


08-19 08:50