


In terms of SQL injection, I completely understand the necessity to parameterize a string parameter; that's one of the oldest tricks in the book. But when can it be justified to not parameterize an SqlCommand? Are any data types considered "safe" to not parameterize?


For example: I don't consider myself anywhere near an expert in SQL, but I can't think of any cases where it would be potentially vulnerable to SQL injection to accept a bool or an int and just concatenate it right into the query.


Is my assumption correct, or could that potentially leave a huge security vulnerability in my program?

为澄清起见,此问题被标记为 c#是一种强类型语言;当我说参数"时,会想到类似 public int Query(int id).

For clarification, this question is tagged c# which is a strongly-typed language; when I say "parameter," think something like public int Query(int id).


我认为这是安全的... 技术上 ,但这是一个可怕的习惯.您真的要编写这样的查询吗?

I think it's safe... technically, but it's a terrible habit to get into. Do you really want to be writing queries like this?

var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM People WHERE IsAlive = " + isAlive +
" AND FirstName = @firstName");

sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("firstName", "Rob");


It also leaves you vulnerable in the situation where a type changes from an integer to a string (Think employee number which, despite its name - may contain letters).


So, we've changed the type of EmployeeNumber from int to string, but forgot to update our sql queries. Oops.


08-20 11:22