


I am facing a very weird issue: my iPhone is restarting.This issue occurs in a particular scenario only.


Step 1: I have a sync process in which I'm loading data for the whole app. So I'm basically doing a heavy API call by uploading 4-5 camera captured images and syncing the app data;


Step 2: After syncing, I'm pressing the iPhone home button to make the app go in background;


Step 3: I'm locking the iPhone screen(by using side button);

几秒钟后,我看到苹果徽标,并且手机似乎重新启动.当应用程序以调试模式连接时,这不会复制.我检查了调试导航器应用程序仅使用125 MB的内存,磁盘和网络值是0%.能量影响显示较高,我不确定这是由于能量影响较高所致.我仅在iOS 12.4上遇到此问题.

After a few seconds I'm seeing the apple logo and the phone seems to restart. This is not replicating when the app is connected in debug mode. I checked the debug navigator app is using only 125 MB of memory, disk and network values is 0%. Energy Impact is showing high, I'm not sure this is due to high energy impact. I'm facing this issue only on iOS 12.4.



The fact that the phone (or possibly just springboard) restarts, and not just your application means this is Apple's bug. You're not supposed to be able to crash iOS even if you try.


Finding a likely cause will be hard since the system is not behaving the way it's supposed to. The device's logs may have more information from things other than your app. This may be a system API breaking due to any number of actions from your application.


Often with this kind of thing the next OS version will fix it, but if that's not the case or it's important to track down I would try removing ways you're interaction with the system (background APIs, notifications, etc.) and see if anything fixes the issue.

如果发现问题,甚至可能根据文档以正确"的方式进行操作,并且必须找到解决方法.如果有时间,您可以将错误提交给Apple ,以便更好地解决潜在的问题

If you find the problem, you may even be doing things the "correct" way according to the documentation and have to find a workaround. If you have the time you can submit a bug to Apple so the underlying issue has a better chance of being fixed.


08-19 08:27