

我写一个shell脚本读取包含key = value对一个文件,并设置这些变量到环境变量。我试着用下面的code,

I am writing a shell script to read a file containing key=value pair and set those variables into environment variable. I tried with the below code,

if EXIST "test.dat" (
    for /F "tokens=*" %%I in (test.dat) do @set %%I
    echo setting JAVA_HOME to :: %JAVA_HOME%
    echo setting JAVA to %JAVA%

假设 TEST.DAT JAVA_HOME = C:\\ JDK1.6 JAVA = C:\\ JDK1.6 \\ BIN \\ java中

Assuming the test.dat has JAVA_HOME=c:\JDK1.6 and JAVA=c:\JDK1.6\bin\javaRunning the above code is not setting these variables, even though I have set %%I statement in do. The two echo statements are not printing anything. What am I missing here ? Why the line which is read from file is not set into environment ?



Environment variables enclosed within % characters are evaluated when the line of code is parsed, not when it is executed. If you want cmd to evaluate environment variables when the line of code is executed, you need to enable 'delayed variable expansion' and enclose the environment variable names within ! rather than %. For example:

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
if EXIST "test.txt" (
  for /F "tokens=*" %%I in (%SEURAT_SERVER_DIR%\server-variables.dat) do @set %%I
  echo setting JAVA_HOME to :: !JAVA_HOME!
  echo setting JAVA to !JAVA!
echo JAVA=%JAVA%



08-19 08:23