我在C ++程序中使用了增强日志,并且有一个自定义的 severity_logger<严重性级别>
的严重性,但是在那个位置只是空白。例如, 2013-07-29 10:31 [0xDEADBEEF] my.Module-Hello World
I'm using boost log in my C++ program, and I have a custom severity_logger< severity_level >
using a severity_level enum that I defined. Then I create my log sink with the format string "%TimeStamp% [%ThreadID%] %Severity% %Module% - %Message%"
but it doesn't display the severity where I have %Severity%
but instead is just blank in that position. For example, 2013-07-29 10:31 [0xDEADBEEF] my.Module - Hello World
. What do I need to do in my format string to make it display the severity level?
enum severity_level
// These are deliberately the same levels that log4j uses
trace = 0,
debug = 1,
info = 2,
warning = 3,
error = 4,
fatal = 5
typedef src::severity_logger< severity_level > logger_t;
const char* severity_level_str[NUM_SEVERITY_LEVELS] = {
template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT >
std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >&
operator<< (
std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm,
severity_level lvl
const char* str = severity_level_str[lvl];
if (lvl < NUM_SEVERITY_LEVELS && lvl >= 0)
strm << str;
strm << static_cast< int >(lvl);
return strm;
#define FORMAT_STRING "%TimeStamp% [%ThreadID%] %Severity% %Module% - %Message%"
boost::shared_ptr< sinks::synchronous_sink< sinks::text_file_backend > >
LOG_CREATE_SINK(const std::string& strLogFilename, bool fAutoFlush)
return logging::add_file_log(
keywords::file_name = strLogFilename,
keywords::open_mode = (std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out) & ~std::ios_base::in,
keywords::auto_flush = fAutoFlush,
keywords::format = FORMAT_STRING );
boost::log::register_simple_formatter_factory< severity_level, char >("Severity");
before calling LOG_CREATE_SINK method. Like this:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
boost::log::register_simple_formatter_factory< severity_level, char >("Severity");
LOG_CREATE_SINK("log_file.txt", true);
logger_t logger;
BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, trace)
<< "text message";
return 0;
[] TRACE - text message
这篇关于在Boost Log中,如何使用格式字符串格式化自定义的严重性级别?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!