指示命令行程序选项结束的传统方法是使用选项 c。
Running this with a -- in the argument list causes a required_option exception. (I get similar results if instead of making a po::option for each trailing arg, I pack them all into po::option::original_tokens in one po::option.)
I had this same question, but gave up on it.
我相信这样做的方法是调用 program_options :: command_line_parser :: extra_style_parser(),传递一个函数,它通过引用获取一个字符串的向量并返回一个 option c $ c> style_parser typedef in )。
I believe the way to do this is to call program_options::command_line_parser::extra_style_parser(), passing it a function that takes a vector of string by reference and returns a vector of options (see the style_parser typedef in cmdline.hpp).
您的函数将需要检测到第一个令牌是 - ,创建一个新的选项对象,将输入中的所有其余标记放入选项的值向量中,并清空输入向量。在 libs / program_options / src / cmdline.cpp >
Your function will need to detect that the first token is "--", create a new option object, place all the rest of the tokens in the input into the option's value vector and empty the input vector. See program_options::detail::cmdline::parse_long_option, etc., in libs/program_options/src/cmdline.cpp for something to start with.
You'll probably need to register a specific option value to use so that you can easily find this special option object at the end of the parsing and extract the set of additional non-option parameters from it.
I wish I could give you some code but I never got around to actually doing this, I ended up just taking the additional parameters one-per-line on stdin.
我觉得很难指出你没有解决问题的方向,所以我回去了,让它工作。问题是,您的位置参数条目未设置为接受多个令牌,并且您未填充值。 program_options 代码期望两者或它不工作。
I felt bad about pointing you in a direction that didn't solve the problem, so I went back and got it working. The problem is that your positional argument entry wasn't set up to accept multiple tokens and you weren't filling in the value. The program_options code expects both or it doesn't work.
以下是适用于我的完整代码: / p>
Here's the complete code that works for me:
#include <boost/program_options.hpp> #include <iostream> namespace po = boost::program_options; typedef std::vector<std::string> stringvec; std::vector<po::option> end_of_opts_parser(stringvec& args) { std::vector<po::option> result; stringvec::const_iterator i(args.begin()); if (i != args.end() && *i == "--") { for (++i; i != args.end(); ++i) { po::option opt; opt.string_key = "pargs"; opt.value.push_back(*i); // <== here opt.original_tokens.push_back(*i); result.push_back(opt); } args.clear(); } return result; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { po::options_description desc("Allowed Options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce help message") ("pargs", po::value<stringvec>()->multitoken(), "positional arguments"); // and here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ po::command_line_parser clparser(argc, argv); clparser.extra_style_parser(end_of_opts_parser); po::variables_map vm; po::store(clparser.options(desc).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); bool const help = !vm["help"].empty(); std::cout << "help = " << help << " - "; // in addition, you don't need to use a separate vector of strings: stringvec const& pargs = vm["pargs"].as<stringvec>(); std::copy(pargs.begin(), pargs.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, ",")); return 0; }
运行时使用 -h - foo bar baz 它输出 help = 1 - foo,bar,baz,。
这篇关于使用' - '作为选项结束标记与boost :: program_options的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!