

我有一个带有ubuntu 12.04的VM,并将apache2作为Web服务器运行.我已经安装了PHP 5.3.10,并且每次运行php应用程序时,我的php.ini都会引发以下错误:

I have a VM with ubuntu 12.04 and running apache2 as a web server. I've installed PHP 5.3.10 and every time I run a php application, my php.ini throws this error:

PHP:  syntax error, unexpected BOOL_FALSE in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini on line 1020


I'd expect that something wasn't commented out correctly in the php.ini but when I look at it, I can't see what's wrong:

1007 [Pcre]
1008 ;PCRE library backtracking limit.
1009 ; http://php.net/pcre.backtrack-limit
1010 ;pcre.backtrack_limit=100000
1012 ;PCRE library recursion limit.
1013 ;Please note that if you set this value to a high number you may consume all
1014 ;the available process stack and eventually crash PHP (due to reaching the
1015 ;stack size limit imposed by the Operating System).
1016 ; http://php.net/pcre.recursion-limit
1017 ;pcre.recursion_limit=100000
1019 [Pdo]
1020 ; Whether to pool ODBC connections. Can be one of "strict", "relaxed" or "off"
1021 ; http://php.net/pdo-odbc.connection-pooling
1022 ;pdo_odbc.connection_pooling=strict
1024 ;pdo_odbc.db2_instance_name
1026 [Pdo_mysql]
1027 ; If mysqlnd is used: Number of cache slots for the internal result set cache
1028 ; http://php.net/pdo_mysql.cache_size
1029 pdo_mysql.cache_size = 2000
1031 ; Default socket name for local MySQL connects.  If empty, uses the built-in
1032 ; MySQL defaults.
1033 ; http://php.net/pdo_mysql.default-socket
1034 pdo_mysql.default_socket=


Does anything look weird about this?


The applications all run i'm just tired of seeing this error and not knowing what's causing it.




Short answer:

Don't trust the line numbers, look for a syntax error in the lines before the line mentioned in the error.


I had this error too, turned out I was missing a quotation mark around the timezone.


PHP:  syntax error, unexpected BOOL_FALSE in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini on line 929

我在在线 876

; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
; http://php.net/date.timezone
date.timezone = Europe/Madrid"

之后有很多注释行,下一个未注释行是 938 .最初的错误表示在 929 行上有一个错误,这使事情变得很神秘.我认为行号的差异与php.ini文件的解析方式有关,但要点是不能信任行号.

After that were lots of commented out lines, the next uncommented line was on 938. The original error said that there was an error on line 929, which made things nicely cryptic. I presume that the difference in line numbers has something to do with the way the php.ini file is parsed, but the point is that the line numbers can't be trusted.


After I corrected the missing quotation mark on line 876 the error dissappeared.


08-19 03:00