

我想为用户提供TYPO3 8.7中某些自定义内容元素的最小RTE。

I want to give the user the minimal RTE for some kinds of custom content elements in TYPO3 8.7.

我发现了这种旧方法,但它与TYPO3 8的ckeditor不兼容。

I found this old approach here but it is not compatible with the ckeditor of TYPO3 8.

RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.types.ccc_teasertext {
    showButtons = bold, italic, underline, link, chMode, orderedlist, unorderedlist
    RTEHeightOverride = 600

RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.types.ccc_introtext {
    showButtons = bold, italic, chMode
    RTEHeightOverride = 300

如何将RTE.config与新的ckeditor语法一起使用,例如 RTE.tt_content.types.textmedia.bodytext.preset = minimal

How do I use RTE.config with the new ckeditor syntax like this RTE.tt_content.types.textmedia.bodytext.preset = minimal ?


TYPO3的资深开发者gautamsinh mori指出了我为该问题提供了解决方案:

Fellow TYPO3 developer gautamsinh mori pointed me here to a solution for the problem:


Don't configure the RTE in the PageTS but in the TCA Overrides per content element like this:

    'showitem' => '
--palette--; LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xml:palette.general; general,header,subheader,header_link,bodytext,image,
--div--;LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_tca.xlf:sys_category.tabs.category, categories, tx_gridelements_container, tx_gridelements_columns
    'columnsOverrides' => [
        'bodytext' => [
            'config' => [
                'enableRichtext' => true,
                'richtextConfiguration' => 'minimal'



09-22 09:57