I'm developing a phonegap/cordova app. Is there a way to open a phone's native navigation app within the browser view? Or is there a best practice on opening native map applications from html5 apps? Or are they all platform specific?
I've read some places that the following works for certain versions of Android
<a href="geo:some address here" />Navigate to here</a>
<a href="http://maps.apple.com/?daddr=San+Francisco,+CA&saddr=cupertino">Directions</a>
I'm amazed that Phonegap hasn't implemented something like this.
您可以使用神奇的地图:"协议,例如,在iOS 5(Google Maps)和iOS 6(Apple Maps)上打开本机导航应用程序. window.location = "maps:daddr=50.4,-4.5"
You can open the native navigation app on iOS 5 (Google Maps) and iOS 6 (Apple Maps) by using the magic "maps:" protocol, e.g. window.location = "maps:daddr=50.4,-4.5"
但是要在Android上启动本机Google Navigator应用程序,您需要使用phonegap插件.我写这本书是出于我自己的目的.
But to launch the native Google Navigator app on Android you need to use a phonegap plugin. I wrote this one for my own purposes.
更新该插件现已针对Phonegap 3.x进行了更新,并支持Android,iOS和Windows Phone,其中包括在iOS设备上更喜欢Google Maps的选项.
UpdateThe plugin has now been updated for Phonegap 3.x and supports Android, iOS and Windows Phone, including an option to prefer Google Maps on iOS.
插件在这里: https://github.com/dpa99c/phonegap-launch-navigator