我被卡住了。我正在开发一个iOS phonegap应用程序。在我的首页我有一个链接
I'm stuck. I'm working on a iOS phonegap app. On my homepage I have a link
<a href="http://www.mysite.com/file/news.html" rel="external" target="_system"><IMAGE></a>
并且我还将* mysite.com添加到Cordova.plist(ExternalHosts)。
And I have also added *mysite.com into the Cordova.plist (ExternalHosts).
但是当我点击链接,它会打开一个浏览器,并链接到那个页面。我试过target =_ self,但它不工作。
But when I click on the link it will open up a browser and link me to that page. I have tried target="_self", but it doesn't work. How to make it open the page within the app itself?
你可以使用这个javascript snip, p>
You can push it to browser using this javascript snip,
Even if you have inAppBrowser installed, this will take you to browser..
If you wish to open the link inside your app, you need below snippet,
var onInApp = window.open('http://paymentpage.com', '_blank', 'location=no,hidden=yes,closebuttoncaption=Done,toolbar=no');
请确保您添加了 cordova插件add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
plugin ..
make sure that you added cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
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