




I have a reactor project with the following structure

- pom.xml (parent)
-- appserver (has a server socket)
-- webserver (connects to the socket in appserver and gets data)

应用服务器 pom.xml 有一个 maven-exec-plugin ,运行主方法在我的java类 AppServer 中。

The appserver pom.xml has a maven-exec-plugin that runs the main method in my java class AppServer.

当我在最顶层(服务器)项目中执行目标验证时,我的构建将停留在appserver - exec目标中,从不继续构建/运行我的Web服务器。

When I run goal verify in my topmost (server) project my build gets stuck at appserver - exec goal and never proceeds to building / running my webserver.


Ideally I would like to run my appserver first and then my webserver in a single install or verify run on my top most project.

这是我的appserver pom中的exec maven插件配置。

Here is the exec maven plugin configuration in my appserver pom.



I am aware that many other questions of similar nature have been asked before and most answers revolve around use of shell scripts with antrun plugin and almost all of them atleast 3 / 4 years old and I hope there is new solution in a more platform independent manner available now.


不幸的是,与使用 maven-antrun-plugin 的用例相比,没有更好的解决方案。 目标,或者在带有目标,但在这两种情况下,它将被阻止;这意味着插件将等待执行完成。 和在Linux环境中运行良好。但是,由于您需要支持多种环境,因此您无法使用。

There are unfortunately no better solutions than using the maven-antrun-plugin for your use-case. maven-exec-plugin can be used to launch an external process, either in the same VM with the java goal or in a forked VM with the exec goal, but in both cases, it will be blocking; meaning that the plugin will wait for the execution to finish. The possible work-around of starting a Shell script as mentioned here and here works well in Linux environment. It won't work in your case however because you need to support multiple environments.

使用,您可以使用任务,并将 spawn 属性设置为。这将导致Ant在后台运行任务。示例配置将是:

With the maven-antrun-plugin, you can use the Exec task and set the spawn attribute to true. This will cause Ant to run the task in the background. A sample configuration would be:

      <phase> <!-- a lifecycle phase --> </phase>
          <property name="runtime_classpath" refid="maven.runtime.classpath" />
          <exec executable="java" spawn="true">
            <arg value="-classpath"/>
            <arg value="${runtime_classpath}"/>
            <arg value="somepackage.AppServer"/>



08-19 01:17