本文介绍了默认情况下如何在第二个 TFT 屏幕上放置命令行控制台?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在使用python、执行、脚本、第二个、TFT 屏幕"等词进行了一些挖掘之后,我放弃了寻找答案.

After performing some excavation while using the words "python, execute, script, on second, TFT-screen" I gave up searching for an answer.

我的问题 - 如果我想在第二个 TFT 屏幕上的默认位置运行my_imaginary_example_script.py"而不是在主 TFT 屏幕上运行,我需要做什么?

My question - what would I need to do if I want to run "my_imaginary_example_script.py" by default in its own position on a second TFT screen instead of blund on the main TFT-screen?

在我的例子中,py 文件包含一个没有 GUI 的 socket_server 脚本.运行时看起来像DOS-box类型,但没有shell函数.

In my case the py-file contains a socket_server script without GUI. When run it looks like DOS-box type but without shell functions.




基于 zwer 他的评论,我尝试使用 cmdow 失败了代码>,但可以使用其他词(如(cmdow、控制台等)进行搜索,并在此处找到对超级用户的非常好的评论来自 罗伯特.

Based on zwer his comment I tried and failed with cmdow but could search with additional words like (cmdow, console, etc.) and found a very nice comment on superusers here from Robert.


Solution for permanent replacement of server console (conhost.exe):

1 - 按 Alt + SHIFT 和;

1 - press Alt + SHIFT and;

2 - 转到属性"

3 - 选择标签布局";

4 - 转到分组框窗口选择";

5 - 取消选中让系统设置位置"


Voila... next time this console is started its on the new position.

另外:窗口大小和hscreen缓冲区也可以在那里寻址.显然不再需要使用 cmdow. 最重要的是...在 windows10 上 Ctrl-C 不再作为退出/非常适合这种类型的服务器控制台.使用 Alt + F4 代替.

In addition: window size and hscreen buffer can also be addressed there. No apparent need to use cmdow anymore. Above all... on windows10 Ctrl-C no longer works as exit/quite for this type of server console. Use Alt + F4 instead.

这篇关于默认情况下如何在第二个 TFT 屏幕上放置命令行控制台?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-31 19:30