



我正在尝试开发一款可与Sharepoint 2010集成的移动应用,以便我的客户可以通过移动设备进行审批和收集。 (我希望构建一个HTML5 / Android Native应用程序,它将调用webservices并完成工作)

I'm trying to develop a mobile app that will integrate with Sharepoint 2010 so that my clients can make approvals and stuff from a mobile device. (I'm hoping to build a HTML5/Android Native app that will call webservices and get the job done)

我查了一下,并且有一个用于Sharepoint的RESTful API我认为我可以使用ECMAScript库。我是否可以使用相同的REST API查看待批准,批准/拒绝等,或者仅限于查看数据?

I looked it up and there is a RESTful API for Sharepoint that I think I can use with the ECMAScript library. Can I use this same REST API to view pending approvals, to approve/reject, etc or is the functionality limited to viewing data?


Sorry but i'm a newbie to Sharpoint. Could someone throw a little light on whether I have the right idea?



根据我的需要,我使用自定义SOAP Web服务在SharePoint端做我想做的事。不幸的是,我没有内置服务的经验,可能就足够了你的需求,但我不这么认为。但你可以在这里开始调查:

For my needs I am using custom SOAP Web Services to do what I want in SharePoint side. Unfortunately, I have no experience with the built-in services, may be it is enough for your needs, but I don't think so. But you can start your investigation here:


Creation of custom Web Services is simple and it can give you great possibilities.

在移动设备上我是使用创建移动应用程序(基于在Html + JS)。对于WebService调用我使用这样的代码:

On the mobile part I am using Cordova (PhoneGap) to create mobile application (based on Html+JS). For WebService invokation I am using code like this:

var url=server+"/_layouts/CustomWebServices/MyCustomWebService.asmx";
var req = createXMLHTTPObject();
req.onreadystatechange= function(){
    if(req.readyState != 4) return;
    if(req.status != 200) {
        if (onerror)
            onerror('status: '+req.status+req.responseCode+req.responseText);
var soapBodyDoc=mkXML(soapBody);"POST",url,true);
req.setRequestHeader('SOAPAction', 'http://mysite/'+soapAction);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=utf-8');
req.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic '+auth);
req.setRequestHeader('Expect', '100-continue');
req.setRequestHeader('Connection', 'Keep-Alive');


As you can see I am using Basic authorization. Maybe it is not the best approach, but I am a newbie too :). I can't remember for the moment, what I exactly did to allow Basic authentication, but if you couldn't find this information let me know, I'll try to remember.


To create UI you can use jQuery mobile. It is very useful.

如果您还有其他问题 - 请告诉我。

If you have additional questions - let me know.


08-19 00:22