假设以下场景:A 公司要求 B 公司为其制作 iPad 应用程序.A 公司只想在数量非常有限的 iPad(少于 100 台)上使用它.A 公司不一定有兴趣在应用商店中提供它.
Supposing the following scenario:Company A asks company B to produce an IPad App for them. Company A only wants to use it for themselves on a very limited amount of IPads (less than 100). Company A is not necessarily interested in offering it on the app store.
B 公司如何将应用分发(销售)给 A 公司?它可以通过临时配置文件在 iPad 上安装该应用程序,但这仅用于测试,一旦配置文件过期,该应用程序将无法使用.B 如何在一年后不过期的情况下在 iPad 上合法安装此应用?
How can company B distribute the app (sell it) to company A? It could install the App on the iPads via ad hoc provisioning profile, but this is only meant for testing and the app can't be used once the profile expires.How can B legally install this app on the iPads without the app expiring after one year?
使用应用商店时,如果这些公司不在美国,是否可以选择仅向该公司或通过应用商店向特定用户销售应用(我听说 B2B 分销只能在在美国使用)
When using the app store, is there an option to sell the app only to this company, or to specific users via the app store, when the companies are not located in the U.S. (I heard about B2B distribution which can only be used in the U.S.)
企业发行版是否可以选择?但是,A 公司必须有 IOS 开发者企业计划票,以便它可以在其 iPad 上安装该应用程序,而不是 B 公司,对吗?然而,B公司是这里的开发者……或者,如果B公司有IOS开发者企业计划票,在一些iPad上安装应用程序并将iPad卖给A公司,是否合法?
Would the enterprise distribution be the option to choose? But then company A must have an IOS developer enterprise program ticket, so that it can install the app on its iPads, and not company B, right? Yet company B is the developer here... Or would it be legal, if company B had the IOS developer enterprise program ticket, installed the app on some iPads and sold the iPads to company A?
Enterprise distribution is exactly what you want in this situation.
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