




Is there a quick and dirty way (or a VS Macro) to convert a WinForms app to a Console App? I have a number of these apps that are no longer needed as Winforms apps. I suppose I could create a bunch of new projects and copy paste modules and classes over, but if it's just a matter of removing the single form that I have and editing/deleting a few things, I'd rather do that.


您可以更改项目设置来创建一个控制台应用程序,而不是Windows应用程序(只需按下Ctrl + Enter键在Solution窗口的项目,使该变化)。

You can change the project settings to create a Console Application instead of a Windows Application (just hit Ctrl+Enter on the project in the Solution Window, and make that change).


That will compile the application as a Console Application, and you'll get a console. However, you'll still get your forms. If you want to not have Windows Forms, you'll need to remove the forms, and replace their functionality with command line arguments or configuration. You can then remove the Windows Forms references, and it'll be converted.


08-19 00:19