

默认情况下, gradle.user.home 设置为〜/.gradle -我想将其更改为相对于项目的目录,而不是开发者的主目录.

By default, gradle.user.home is set to ~/.gradle - I'd like to change it to a directory relative to the project, rather than the developer's home directory.


I know you can do so when you invoke gradle, like so:

$ gradle --gradle-user-home=./project-relative-directory

$ gradle -Dgradle.user.home=./project-relative-directory


I know you can change the location of the build cache by adding the following to settings.gradle:

buildCache {
    local {
        // Set local build cache directory.
        directory = "${settingsDir}/build-cache"

但是gradle继续使用 gradle.user.home 进行其他缓存.

But gradle continues to use gradle.user.home for other caching.

手册声明可以指定 gradle.user gradle.properties 中的.home ,如下所示:

The manual claims that you can specify gradle.user.home in gradle.properties, like so:


但是,对于绝对路径或相对路径,这似乎根本不起作用.尽管以后可能会通过 System.get 对其进行检索,但是 gradle 似乎并未利用它.

But this doesn't appear to work at all, not for absolute paths or relative paths; although it may be retrieved later via System.get, gradle doesn't appear to make use of it.



当Gradle解析 gradle.properties 文件时,已经发生了太多事情.因此,使用自定义Gradle主页的唯一方法是通过具有最高优先级的命令行标志或通过系统属性.

When Gradle parses gradle.properties file, too much has already happened. So the only way to use a custom Gradle home is through a command line flag, which has the highest precedence, or through a system property.


Note that the documentation indicates that and does not mention the ability to set that value inside a properties file.


08-19 00:06