本文介绍了IBM Worklight 6.1 - 无法使用MTWW将应用程序拉到设备的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



First off let me be clear. I have several iOS devices. On the devices that have 7.0.6 I have no issues. When I updated one of the devices to 7.1 I'm having an issue. Let me explain.

在拥有7.1的iOS设备上,我导航到工作台URL,然后转到管理应用程序并选择安装。然后我收到此消息无法安装应用程序,因为> ip address<的证书不是vald。此过程适用于具有7.0.6的设备。我假设新的iOS更新存在问题。

On the iOS device that has 7.1 I navigate to the workbench URL and then I go to Manage applications and select install. I then get this message "Cannot install applications because the certificate for >ip address< is not vald. This process works on devices that have 7.0.6. I'm assuming there are issues with the new iOS update.

现在我做了一些搜索,我发现在尝试从HTTP站点下载应用程序时出现问题,所以我更改了Web Reports设置(在Eclipse Preferences中找到 - > Test - >性能测试报告 - > Web报告)到需要安全性来访问报告。因此它将端口号更改为8443。然后我使用https:// ip:port导航回工作台URL并尝试再次安装应用程序。这次它只是说无法打开。

Now I did some searching and I found something that said there's an issue when trying to download an app from a HTTP site, so I changed a Web Reports setting (found in Eclipse Preferences -> Test -> Performance Test Reports -> Web Reports) to "Security is required to access reports". Thus it changed the port number to "8443". I then navigate back to the workbench URL using the https : // ip:port and try to install the app again. This time it just says Cannot open.


Any ideas on this?


这是一个可以使用iOS 7.1进行测试的解决方法

Here is a workaround to be able to test with iOS 7.1

1)从开发人员或其他可以获取的人那里获取已检测应用程序的zip在Mac上运行rtwBuildXcode.sh,源代码为fo r申请。 [RmotXXXXXXXX.zip文件]

1) Get the zip of instrumented Application from developer or other who can run rtwBuildXcode.sh on a Mac and who has the source code for Application. [RmotXXXXXXXX.zip file]


2) Use RTWec "Add Application to list..." button and brows to the zip to "import" it into RTWec.

3)解压缩拉链并使用iTunes(对于Windows)将文件添加到库...菜单,在zip文件夹中导航到已检测的iOS设备应用程序[XXXXXXXX.ipa在instrumented / iOS Device文件夹中]

3) UnZip the zip and use iTunes (for Windows) "Add File to Library..." menu to navigate in zip folder to the instrumented iOS Device application [XXXXXXXX.ipa in "instrumented/iOS Device" folder]

4)使用USB将iDevice插入Windows,选择应用程序,单击关联的安装按钮,然后选择同步iTunes 。

4) Plug in iDevice to Windows using USB, select the App, click associated "Install" button, then "Sync" iTunes.


5) Now test as usual...


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08-19 00:01