

我相信你们中有些人注意到如果你有Acrobat Reader(或任何其他pdf查看器),并在Firefox中打开pdf,你会看到它嵌入你的标签中。有没有办法在JFrame中嵌入一个应用程序?

I'm sure some of you noticed that if you have Acrobat Reader ( or any other pdf viewer ) , and open a pdf in Firefox , you will see it embedded inside your tab . Is there any way to embed an application in a JFrame ?


这是一个相当棘手的问题。通常,本机应用程序和Adobe Reader不提供可以嵌入到swing应用程序中的组件。但是在Windows中有COM / OLE方法,它允许将应用程序嵌入到一起。 可以为您提供帮助。它指向允许这种嵌入的两个项目JCOM和JACOB。

This is a rather tricky. In general, native application such and Adobe Reader does not provide component which can be embedded into swing application. But in Windows there is COM/OLE approach which allows embedding of application together. This article can help you. It points on two project JCOM and JACOB which allows such embedding.


08-18 23:55