我们最近获得了Surface Hub,并尝试在其上部署我们的UWP应用程序。但不幸的是我找不到办法。以下我尝试过:
We got the Surface Hub recently and I tried deploying our UWP app on it. But unfortunately I couldn't find a way of doing it. The following I have tried till now:
尝试安装时Surface Hub上的应用程序,我意识到无法在其上安装普通的appx软件包,因此探索了其他方法。
尝试使用visual studio进行远程调试,但是无法在Hub上安装远程调试代理(不支持手动安装)。 -
这里但我尝试了在Surface Hub帮助页面上提到它的方式。
现在,我不得不安装我的开发应用程序在Surface Hub上测试和处理它。我请求这里的专家
帮助我找到调试/部署UWP应用程序的方法在Surface Hub上没有将它发布到Windows商店。
Now, I'm stuck to install my development application on Surface Hub to test and work on it. I request the experts here to help me out finding a way to debug/deploy the UWP application on the Surface Hub without releasing it to the windows store.
默认情况下,Surface Hub仅安装来自Windows应用商店的应用。要安装由其他来源签名的应用,您必须启用开发者模式。
然后,如果您想从visual studio部署/调试您的应用程序,请参阅
Then, if you want to deploy/debug your app from visual studio, please see Deploying and debugging Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps
请注意此功能至少需要Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 。
使用Visual Studio测试Surface Hub应用程序获取详细信息。
More information, please read Test Surface Hub apps using Visual Studio for details.
Xavier Eoro
Xavier Eoro
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