本文介绍了关于Kinect for Windows中的人物识别。的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 问题(1) 我使用的是KinectExplorer检查颜色,深度和骨骼结构。 我也使用KinnectStudio通过Kinnect进行录制。   我正在拍摄电影在一个坐在床上的人面前,当然包括整个身体。 物体的上部磨损为白色或蓝色,下部为蓝色球衣。 它面向前方。   在这种情况下,Kinect不能作为一个人补充它, KinectExplorer无法显示结构。 它可以识别一个站着衬衫和休闲裤的人,所以Kinect,KinectExplorer和KinectStudio正在运作。   在这种情况下,请给我一个关于如何使Kinect作为一个人补充的建议。   问题(2) 我录制了一部由KinectStudio站立并面向前方的人的电影。 但是它即使玩KinectStudio并通过KinectExplorer进行检查,也无法识别人并显示结构。 (它也无法识别何时记录) 请教我通过编辑KinectStudio来识别某人的方法或某种工具。   问题(3) 我正在制作一部电影,拍摄一个站立和面对的人前面是KinectStudio。 但有些人很容易识别,而那些人很难识别。 我会尝试要求一个不容易识别的人改变姿势和衣服,但我不知道Kinect能识别出什么样的姿势和衣服。 如果你知道的话请告诉我。 解决方案 如果你想认识一个坐着的人,你应该让Kinect处于坐姿模式。另请注意,只有使用Kinect for Windows而不是Xbox才能使用就座模式。 有时,在Kinect正确跟踪骨架之前,此人也需要移动一点。 Question(1)I am using KinectExplorer for checking the color, depth and bone structures.Also I am using KinnectStudio for recording via Kinnect. I am shooting a movie in front of a person who is sitting on the bed, certainly including the whole body.Upper wear of the object is white or blue, lower is blue jerseys.And it is facing front. In this case, Kinect cannot complement it as a person, and KinectExplorer cannot show the structure.It can recognize a person who is standing with shirt and slacks, so Kinect, KinectExplorer and KinectStudio are operating. In this case, please give me an advice for the way to enable Kinect to complement as a person. Question(2)I recorded a movie of a person who is standing and facing front by KinectStudio.But it is impossible to recognize a person and show the structure even if playing KinectStudio and checking by KinectExplorer. (It also cannot recognize when it records)Please teach me the way to enable to recognize a person by the edit of KinectStudio or some sort of tools. Question(3)I am making a movie shooting a person who is standing and facing front by KinectStudio.But there are those who are easy to recognize, and those who are hard to recognize.I will try to ask a person, who cannot be recognized easily, to change the poses and clothes, but I do not know what kind of poses and clothes are recognizable by Kinect.Please show me if you know. 解决方案 If you want to recognize a person sitting, you should make Kinect in seated mode. Also notice that seated mode is only available using Kinect for Windows, not Xbox.Sometimes it's also required for the person to move a little before Kinect can track skeleton properly. 这篇关于关于Kinect for Windows中的人物识别。的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-18 23:15