



我将日期存储为数据库中的整数字段,并将其称为时间戳。当我在模板中显示它时,我尝试使用 {{timestamp | date: D d MY}} ,但是,这对我没有任何输出。

I store the date as integer field in my database and called it timestamp. When I display it in template, I tried to use {{ timestamp | date:"D d M Y" }}, however, this does not output anything for me.


抱歉,我确实输入了date:而不是date =在我的代码中。但是,由于时间戳记是整数字段,因此在执行此操作之前我应该​​将其转换为日期时间吗?我可以在模板本身中执行此操作吗?由于此行代码位于迭代模板中的对象数组的中间。

Sorry for the typo, I did put date: instead of date= in my code. However, since the timestamp was integer field, should I convert it to datetime before doing this? Can I do it in the template itself? Since this line of code is in the middle of iterating an array of object in the template.


您需要创建一个自定义templatetag过滤器。我为您制作了一个:只需确保您在 app目录中有一个 templatetags 文件夹,然后创建一个空文件 __ init __。py 在目录中。还将下面的代码另存为templatetag目录中的 timestamp_to_time.py
还请确保包含此templatetag目录的应用程序位于 INSTALLED_APPS 设置变量中。

You need to create a custom templatetag filter. I made this one for you: just make sure you have a templatetags folder in the app directory and then create an empty file __init__.py in the directory. Also save the code below in the templatetag directory as timestamp_to_time.py.Also make sure that the app containing this templatetag directory is in the INSTALLED_APPS settings variable.

from django import template
register = template.Library()

def convert_timestamp_to_time(timestamp):
    import time
    return datetime.date.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp))


In your template you can then use the filter as follow:

{{ value|timestamp_to_time|date:"jS N, Y" }}

{#用时间戳记值替换 value 然后格式化您想要的时间#}

{# replace value with the timestamp value and then format the time as you want #}


Be sure to have loaded the templatetag filter in the template with

{% load timestamp_to_time %}



08-18 23:14