



有没有一个简单的方法从llvm ir到工作源代码?

Is there an easy way of going from llvm ir to working source code?

具体来说,我想从一些简单的C ++代码开始修改POD (主要是int,float等数组),将其转换为llvm ir,执行一些简单的分析和翻译,然后将其转换回C ++代码?

Specifically, I'd like to start with some simple C++ code that merely modifies PODs (mainly arrays of ints, floats, etc), convert it to llvm ir, perform some simple analysis and translation on it and then convert it back into C++ code?


It don't really mind about any of the names getting mangled, I'd just like to be able to hack about with the source before doing the machine-dependent optimisations.



There is an issue here... it might not be possible to easily represent the IR back into the language.

,您可能可以获得某些 表示,但可能较少可读。

I mean, you'll probably be able to get some representation, but it might be less readable.


The issue is that the IR is not concerned with high-level semantic, and without it...


I'd rather advise you to learn to read the IR. I can read a bit of it without that much effort, and I am far from being a llvm expert.

否则,你可以从C的C代码。它不会更加类似于你的C ++代码,但你可能会觉得更好没有ssa和phi节点。

Otherwise, you can C code from the IR. It won't be much more similar to your C++ code, but you'll perhaps feel better without ssa and phi nodes.


08-18 23:13