本文介绍了HTTP POST请求,HTML表单输入(登录:用户/密码)浏览器模拟的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm trying to login to a website (http://www.meo.pt/ver/Pages/login.aspx) from within my application so that I can access the program listing, etc, I searched in the page source code for the html for of the username textbox and password textbox input.

<input name="ctl00$SPWebPartManager1$g_cb264700_1517_426f_926d_3ca40934a6fd$ctl00$EditModePanel1$txtUserName"
       class="forms_login"  />

我使用 name 中的值并设置该密钥的内容与用户名和密码相同。然后向 http://www.meo.pt/ver/Pages/login.aspx 发出POST请求,我从中获得了包含同一页面的HTML源代码的响应,所以登录不成功。我不认为服务器甚至认为它是登录尝试。

I used the value in name and set the content of that key with the username and the same form the password. Then made a POST request to http://www.meo.pt/ver/Pages/login.aspx from which I got a response containing the HTML source of the same page, so login wasn't successful. I don't think the server even considered it a login try.

我正在使用ASIHTTPRequest for iPhone。

My question is how should I set the POST request values to make this work?I'm using ASIHTTPRequest for iPhone.



My guess is that it's cookie-related: the page sends a cookie when it appears and requires that cookie along with the username and password. Odds are good that every POST and GET returns a cookie along with the page content, a cookie you'll need to send back.


If you use ASIHTTPRequest to perform the requests and use the same instance of the object to make subsequent requests, it will take care of sending those revised cookies each time. I love this library and recommend it.


If instead you're using an NSURLConnection and prefer to manage the cookies yourself, the NSHTTPCookie object will help.

这篇关于HTTP POST请求,HTML表单输入(登录:用户/密码)浏览器模拟的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-18 23:10