

本文介绍了Yii - CJuiDialog关闭提交按钮点击的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a CJuiDialog and below is the code

<?php $this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(
        'title'=>'Your 10 seconds take you into ....',
        'closeOnEscape' => false,

)); ?>


In this dialog I have form and in the form I have below submit button

<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Submit', array('onclick'=>'js:function(){ alert("test"); $(#mymodal).dialog("close");}',
        )); ?>


on clicking on this button, I want to close this dialog and submit the form . But the above code what I wrote in Button is not working . any syntax errors ?


Other way I tried is , I used buttons in the dialog box and able to close the dialog using



But I am not able to submit the form there . So took the first approach .


Could any one help me the correct solution ?





First of all you have to understand/remember that by default a html submit button navigates to or loads the action url of the form. So, provided your action url is correctly specified, the default button will simply submit the form and navigate to that url.

  1. 如果发生这种情况,并且操作网址和当前页面的网址不一样,您将再也看不到对话框(由于导航)。

  1. If this happens and the action url and the current page url are not the same, you'll not be seeing the dialog box again anyway(due to the navigation).

但是你的动作url和当前url是相同的,那么显然默认提交后,相同的url将被再次加载因为你的对话框是'autoOpen'=> true ,它将再次打开。

But incase your action url and current url are the same, then obviously after default submission the same url will be loaded again, and since your dialog is 'autoOpen'=>true, it will open again.


So the best course of action i can see for you is using jquery's ajax to submit your form. This can be done in 3 ways:

  1. 使用

echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('SubmitThis',
    $url, // form's action url, you can use createUrl
    array( // ajaxOptions, use success to close the dialog

  • 使用对话框的按钮提交表单。以下示例使用发布速记ajax请求和序列化表单数据:

  • Use a button of the dialog to submit the form. The sample below uses $.post() shorthand to post an ajax request, and .serialize() to serialize the form data:

    // other cjuidialog options
    // ...
                        $("#form-id").attr("action"), // the url to submit to
                        $("#form-id").serialize(), // the data is serialized
                        function(){$("#mymodal").dialog("close");} // in the success the dialog is closed
        // other buttons

  • 您也可以使用正常的提交按钮,但您必须再次使用ajax:

  • You can also use the normal submit button but you'll have to use ajax again:

                  $("#form-id").attr("action"), // the url to submit to
                  $("#form-id").serialize(), // the data is serialized
               return false; // to prevent the navigation to the action url

  • [*]如果您使用,并没有指定'action'这种情况发生在默认情况下

    [*] if you are using CActiveForm and haven't specified the 'action' this happens by default

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    08-18 23:09