

validate :updatable?  # First validation there is
with_options :if => Proc.new { |object| object.errors.empty? } do |updatable|
    updatable.with_options :if => "self.current_step == basic" do |step|
        validates .... bla-bla bla

因此,在进行任何验证之前,将调用 updatable 子例程,该子例程将在errors[:base]数组中填充适当的错误,这意味着该对象不可更新.如果此子例程中发现任何错误,我希望它跳过其余的验证,但是上述示例有效-它执行所有验证.

So, before any validations are made, the updatable subroutine is called and it populates the errors[:base] array with appropriate errors, meaning that object is not updatable. And I wanted it to skip the rest of the validations if any errors are found in this subroutine, but abovementioned example is NOT working - it performs all the validations.

但是,如果我将:if => "self.current_step == basic"更改为:if => "self.errors.empty? && self.current_step == basic"的话,它就像是一种魅力.

But, if I change :if => "self.current_step == basic" to :if => "self.errors.empty? && self.current_step == basic" is works like a charm.


What I'm doing wrong ? Examples show, that nested with_option should work.


Can someone help me ? Thanks in advance.



You are right that when nesting two :if conditions, the inner one will replace the outer one and always be checked. A workaround to handle two levels of nesting is:

with_options :unless => !(outer condition) do
  with_options :if => (inner condition) do


The if and unless conditions do not overwrite each other. I'm not sure I would call this a bug, but it would be nice if you could nest multiple :if conditions.


08-26 06:37