本文介绍了XP Embedded SP2还支持吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


据我所知,XP SP2将不再为其提供任何安全更新。

I understand the XP SP2 will no longer have any security updates made for it.

XPe SP2怎么样?为什么MS网站说它会在1/1/11之前退役???

What about XPe SP2??? Why does the MS website say it won't be retired until 1/1/11???


Will I still receive critical updates? Will I still be able to push them out from the WSUS?


I am very confused regarding the difference in the lifecycles of XPSP2 vs. XPeSP2.


Thanks for any help clarifying this for me!

Windows Update论坛


Please note I started similar discussions on the Windows Update forum and the WSUS Forum, both of which pointed me to here, but are probably worth reviewing if you are interested.


Also please note, my OEM is useless and is unable to help. I just need the information.






As已经在其他论坛的帖子中注明,Windows XP Professional SP2支持在2010年7月安全更新发布后退役。 2011年1月支持XP Embedded Service Pack 2(包括XPe SP2,Feature Pack 2007和Update Rollup 1.0)
Windows XP Embedded产品支持生命周期

As has been noted on your posts in the other forums, Windows XP Professional SP2 support retired after the July, 2010 security updates released. Service Pack 2 for XP Embedded (including XPe SP2, Feature Pack 2007 and Update Rollup 1.0) is supported through January, 2011. Please reference the Windows XP Embedded Product Support Lifecycle.

XP Embedded 通过Microsoft的OEM发布渠道向嵌入式OEM发布更新。 XP Embedded运行时由创建运行时的嵌入式OEM提供服务。此外,嵌入式设备的最终用户受到

XP Embedded updates release to Embedded OEMs through Microsoft's OEM release channels. XP Embedded runtimes are serviced by the Embedded OEM who creates the runtime. Additionally, the end-users of the Embedded devices are supported by the Embedded OEM. This is the servicing and support model because only the Embedded OEM has knowledge of the features included on their Embedded runtime. Therefore, they are best able to test with their runtimes, and offer informed Servicing and Support.

我担心您的OEM无法为您提供帮助。嵌入式OEM是嵌入式系统应该通过哪些服务进行维护的通道,并且XP服务器产品的更新将继续提供,直到Service Pack
2退出XP Embedded。

It concerns me to hear that your OEM is unable to assist you. Embedded OEMs are the channel through which Embedded systems should be serviced, and through which updates for the XPe SP2 products will continue to be made available until Service Pack 2 retires on XP Embedded.


With regard to support for SUS and WSUS, this blog article may be useful.

我希望这可以提供洞察力并帮助您设置计划未来几个月的期望。我可以提供的最佳建议是与OEM合作更新嵌入式设备。 XP Embedded with Service Pack 3将在1月份继续得到支持,
2016.Windows Embedded Standard 2009,也是基于XP的产品,在2019年1月之前得到支持。今年早些时候,微软发布了内置的Windows Embedded Standard 7 Windows 7技术,具有十年的支持生命周期。

I hope this provides insight and helps set your expectations to plan for the coming months. The best advice I can offer is to work with your OEM to update your embedded device. XP Embedded with Service Pack 3 will continue to be supported through January, 2016. Windows Embedded Standard 2009, also an XP based product, is supported through January, 2019. And earlier this year Microsoft released Windows Embedded Standard 7 built with Windows 7 technologies, with a ten year support lifecycle.

这篇关于XP Embedded SP2还支持吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 00:43