hey i have created a program which the user login if the user enter wrong password it will prompt a message up to 3 attempts
such as 1 - 2 attempts left, 2 - 1 attempt left, 3 - you have no attempt left and your password been blocked
here the code
int attempt = 3;
if (!pin.Equals("...") && attempts > 1)
MessageBox.Show("Wrong pin number! " + attempts + " attempts left");
else if (!pin.Equals("...")&& attempts==1)
MessageBox.Show("wrong password! your account been blocked");
problem i got is it assign it to every username where i want each indivdual username to have 3 attempts each before their password is blocked.
how would i do this?
Dictionary<String, int> usersAndAttempts = new Dictionary<String, int>();
if (!usersAndAttempts.ContainsKey(userName))
// Add the user and his three attempts to the dictionary.
// Your code here, but gettings the attempts from the dictionary where the key is the specified user.
希望能帮助到你! :)
Of course this will give every user three logins until he restarts your application, after which his three attempts will be reset. To permanently block the user you''d have to write something to a database which indicates that the specified user is locked.
Hope it helps! :)