

我正在浏览 TIOBE 编程列表语言,我注意到PL/SQL正在下降.不是我是Pl/SQL的忠实拥护者,我几乎不知道它,但是我的问题是Pl/Sql是否崩溃了,那么必须有一些替代方法可以帮助开发人员完成原本应该由Pl完成的任务/SQL,即存储过程,包等?那是什么东西

I was going through TIOBE list of programming languages and I noticed that PL/SQL is going down. Its not that i am big fan of Pl/SQL, I hardly know it but my question is if Pl/Sql is going down then there must be some alternate which is helping developers to achieve the same tasks which were supposed to be done by Pl/SQL i.e. stored procedures, packages etc? What are those things?



FWIW, it's possible to write Oracle stored procedures in Java. As it happens, for non-trivial operations, I prefer doing that to using PL/SQL. But I doubt that there are very many like me, so I think that it's unlikely to account for the decline.


See also the answers to this question: Is PL/SQL the language to learn if you have Oracle 11g?


08-18 21:54