本文介绍了习语Golang goroutines的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



  // Run运行的东西,你可能想运行它作为一个goroutine 
func(t Type)Run(){

$ / code>



func(t Type)Run(){
go DoRunStuff()








我会将 net / http 包视为因为在这种情况下,并发性几乎是强制性的。如果软件包没有在内部使用并发性,那么客户端代码几乎肯定会这样做。例如, http.Client 不会(据我所知)启动任何goroutines。它只是服务器。


go Run() StartGoroutine()


In Go, if we have a type with a method that starts some looped mechanism (polling A and doing B forever) is it best to express this as:

// Run does stuff, you probably want to run this as a goroutine
func (t Type) Run() {
    // Do long-running stuff

and document that this probably wants to be launched as a goroutine (and let the caller deal with that)

Or to hide this from the caller:

// Run does stuff concurrently
func (t Type) Run() {
   go DoRunStuff()

I'm new to Go and unsure if convention says let the caller prefix with 'go' or do it for them when the code is designed to run async.

My current view is that we should document and give the caller a choice. My thinking is that in Go the concurrency isn't actually part of the exposed interface, but a property of using it. Is this right?


I tend to agree with you.

Since Go makes it so easy to run code concurrently, you should try to avoid concurrency in your API (which forces clients to use it concurrently). Instead, create a synchronous API, and then clients have the option to run it synchronously or concurrently.

This was discussed in a talk a couple years ago: Twelve Go Best Practices

Slide 26, in particular, shows code more like your first example.

I would view the net/http package as an exception because in this case, the concurrency is almost mandatory. If the package didn't use concurrency internally, the client code would almost certainly have to. For example, http.Client doesn't (to my knowledge) start any goroutines. It is only the server that does so.

In most cases, it's going to be one line of the code for the caller either way:

go Run() or StartGoroutine()

The synchronous API is no harder to use concurrently and gives the caller more options.

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08-18 21:04