




I'm pretty new when it comes to PHP and AJAX, so I keep running into issues, and after scouring the web for ideas, I've come up short. I'm looking for a method to dynamically load content (PHP/HTML mixture) on one main page. The main page would include navigation, and once a link within this navigation is clicked, the content in the main content div would change. Pretty simple, right, but I've been a big struggle bus on this topic.

到目前为止,我最喜欢的方法是CSS-Tricks 重新思考使用HTML5历史记录API的动态页面替换内容.我喜欢它允许使用后退和前进浏览器按钮,但是我无法在Chrome中使用它.

The method I've liked the best so far is CSS-Tricks Rethinking Dynamic Page Replacing Content which uses the HTML5 History API. I liked that it allowed the use of the back and forward browser buttons, but I could not get it to work in Chrome.


This isn't your typical "help me figure out what's wrong with my code" question, so I apologize in advance. Mostly I'm looking for a bit of advice on how best to find a solution to this problem.


使用Ajax ...两周前,我也遇到了类似情况.我对此了解不多,但是此站点非常有帮助: http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_example.asp

Go with Ajax... I was in a similar situation a couple of weeks ago. I didn't know much about it, but this site is quite helpful:http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_example.asp


It has simple examples that will help you to understand how the calls work.I hope it helps. It is difficult to give more specific advice since you don't explain much about your application.


08-18 20:57