

我在我的Ubuntu 16.04 LTS机器中设置了几个docker容器。所有这些都有相同的[容器图像](https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/mssql-server-linux/)。 


>男装。 10054,Nivel 20,Estado 0,Línea0
> Error en el nivel del transporte al recibir los resultados del servidor。 

> (提供者:TCP提供者,错误:0 - Se ha forzadolainterruptciónununconexiónexistentepor el host remoto。)



PS:我注意到在服务器的属性中连接> 我已经"Permitir conexiones remotas con este servidor checked",等待时间为0秒(无等待时间)。


I've set up several docker containers in my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS machine. All of them have in common the same [container image](https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/mssql-server-linux/). 

It works pretty well, but some users have reported me a common issue when attempting a long-lasting query and about a minute after it execution, they get an error message:

> Mens. 10054, Nivel 20, Estado 0, Línea 0
> Error en el nivel del transporte al recibir los resultados del servidor. 
> (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - Se ha forzado la interrupción de una conexión existente por el host remoto.)

The error message is translated into english as `Msg 10054, level 20, State 0, Line 0`.

Is there something I can modify under their configuration? 

PS: I've noticed that in server's properties Connection > Remote servers connections > I've "Permitir conexiones remotas con este servidor checked", having 0 seconds (no wait time) of waittime.

I'll attach one container's configuration snapshots as soon as I can.



配置Windows防火墙以允许SQL Server访问

If only some users get a Connection error, then may be because the Firewall on their Workstation is blocking the Access:Configure the Windows Firewall to Allow SQL Server Access


10-29 02:47