



在处理请求时遇到错误:502解析服务器响应时出错。在等待未解决的回复时遇到EOF请尝试重新发送您的请求。这可能不是proxygen中的错误。根据经验,实习或最新的由于SEV或推送暂时下降。请先登记e FY或#e。如果错误仍然存​​在通过重试,或者如果您有充分的理由怀疑这是proxygen中的错误,请报告问题到ti-bugs @列表或#ti与以下调试信息:2012-05-20 22:24: 40 slb010.02.snc5 1585267068836963531



Today I started receiving errors from Facebook when my app tries to post a message.

The app successfully authorised, Facebook message window pops up, everything looks fine (links, pics, description) , but when I press post. it times out with this message

Encountered an error while processing the request: 502 Error parsing server response. Got EOF while waiting for outstanding responses Please try resending your request. This is probably not a bug in proxygen. Based on experience, either intern or latest is temporarily down due to a SEV or push. Please check in e FYI or #e first. If the error persists through retries, or if you have good reason to suspect this is a bug in proxygen, please report the issue to ti-bugs@lists or #ti with the following debug information: 2012-05-20 22:24:40 slb010.02.snc5 1585267068836963531

UPDATE: It is a Facebook issue. There is an opened and assigned bug report here You can subscribe there to follow the process.


It looks like Facebook fixed the issue. My apps work fine.

If you still experience the same problem, you can check out the progress here: http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/411849912170144?browse=search_4fb9fb43db2468a28526107

If this issue comes up again check whether there is an already submitted bug here: http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/ if there isn't submit one


08-18 20:26