本文介绍了awk NF文件名如何工作?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



cat testing.txt
line1 1
line2 2 2

line3 3 3


我可以理解awk 'NF > 0' testing.txt的工作方式.该命令仅处理每条记录中具有1个以上字段的字段数,因此将删除空行和制表符.

I can understand how the awk 'NF > 0' testing.txt working. This command is only processing the number of fields with more than 1 field from each record and thus empty lines and tabs are getting removed.

awk 'NF>0' testing.txt
line1 1
line2 2 2
line3 3 3

但是我无法理解awk NF testing.txt的工作方式.它的操作与上述相同.

However I cannot understand how the awk NF testing.txt is working. It is doing the same as above.

awk NF testing.txt
line1 1
line2 2 2
line3 3 3


I am not specifying any condition in this case. Still it is working fine and removing empty lines and tab from each record.


I can see many references in Web where it is said we can use this command to remove empty lines or tabs from a file. Yet cannot understand the syntax.


NF代表N数量的F ields.因此,每当NF大于0时,该awk就会解释True.所以实际上这是在做

NF stands for Number of Fields. So whenever NF is bigger than 0, that awk interprets True. So in fact this is doing:

if NF>0  --> True
if NF==0 --> False

由于awk的默认行为是{print $0},这意味着它会这样做:

As the default behaviour of awk is {print $0}, this means that it does:

if NF>0   --->  True   ---> {print $0}
if NF==0  --->  False  ---> nothing

所以awk NF file的意思是:打印具有至少一个字段的所有行.这自动意味着:打印所有非空行.

So awk NF file means: print all lines that have at least one field. Which automatically implies: print all no-empty lines.

这篇关于awk NF文件名如何工作?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-10 13:54