I am trying to update my table like this:
Update MyTable
SET value = 1
WHERE game_id = 1,
x =-4,
y = 8
SET value = 2
WHERE game_id = 1,
x =-3,
y = 7
SET value = 3
WHERE game_id = 2,
x = 5,
y = 2
我可以做一个 foreach()
但这会发送超过 50 个单独的查询,这非常慢.这就是为什么我希望将其合并为 1 个大查询.
I can do a foreach()
but that will send over 50 separate Queries which is very slow.That's why I want it to be combined into 1 big Query.
(我确实为每一行使用了一个 id,但 game_id、x 和 y 的组合是我用什么来识别我需要的行.)
( I do use an id for each row but the combination of game_id, x and y is what I use to Identify the row I need. )
此处描述的 codeIgniter 的 update_batch() 函数:使用 CodeIgniter 更新批处理很有帮助并且几乎完美,但它只允许使用 1 个单个 where 子句,你不能(据我理解和尝试)输入一个包含多个 where 子句的数组.
The update_batch() function from codeIgniter described here:Update batch with CodeIgniterwas helpful and almost perfect but it only allows for 1 single where clause, you cannot (as far as I understood and tried) enter an array with multiple where clauses.
我也检查了这个问题:MYSQL UPDATE SET 在同一列但有多个 WHERE 子句但它只允许只包含一个不同的 WHERE 子句的多行更新,我需要多个 WHERE 子句!:)
I've also checked out this question:MYSQL UPDATE SET on the Same Column but with multiple WHERE ClausesBut it only allows for multiple row updates containing only a single different WHERE clause and I need multiple WHERE clauses! :)
Anwsers 可以是简单的 SQL 或使用 php(和 CodeIgniter)或以不同的方式.我希望以任何可能的方式解决这个问题;)
Anwsers can be in simple SQL or with the use of php (and CodeIgniter) or in a different way. I'd this problem to be solved in any possible way ;)
I can really use the advice/help! =D
Update MyTable
SET value = CASE
WHEN game_id = 1 AND x = -4 AND y = 8 THEN 1
WHEN game_id = 1 AND x = -3 AND y = 7 THEN 2
WHEN game_id = 2 AND x = 5 AND y = 2 THEN 3
ELSE value
WHERE game_ID IN (1,2,3) AND -- the purpose of this WHERE clause
x IN (-4, -3, 5) AND -- is to optimize the query by preventing from
y IN (8,7,2) -- performing full table scan.