Dim p As System.Diagnostics.Process
对于 每个 p 在 System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses()
Dim arr() As String = _
lstProcesses.SelectedItem.ToString()。Split( - )
Dim sProcess As String = arr( 0 )。修剪()
Dim iId 正如 整数 = Convert.ToInt32(arr( 1 )。Trim())
如果 p.ProcessName = sProcess 和 p.Id = iId 然后
结束 如果
please check my below code here i want to kill process one by one on selecting the process name from list box, but i need to close all the task from my list box,without select any one just want to kill all the process on button click..so plz can u help me
Thanx in advance
Dim p As System.Diagnostics.Process For Each p In System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses() Dim arr() As String = _ lstProcesses.SelectedItem.ToString().Split("-") Dim sProcess As String = arr(0).Trim() Dim iId As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(arr(1).Trim()) If p.ProcessName = sProcess And p.Id = iId Then p.Kill() End If Next