currently i'm using this php code to create my own auto increment ID in MongoDB.
$mongo = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://");
$find = [ '_id' => 'campaignid' ];
$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query($find, [ ]);
$rows = $mongo->executeQuery('testdb.counters', $query);
$arr = $rows->toArray();
$oldId = 0;
if(count($arr) > 0)
$old = array_pop($arr);
$oldId = intval($old->seq);
$nextId = ++$oldId;
$set = [ '_id' => 'campaignid', 'seq' => $nextId ];
$insRec = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite;
$insRec->update($find, ['$set' => $set], ['multi' => false, 'upsert' => true]);
$writeConcern = new MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern(MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY, 1000);
$result = $mongo->executeBulkWrite('testdb.counters', $insRec, $writeConcern);
我必须获取旧ID,然后递增并将其写回.我认为 MongoDB \ Driver \ Manager :: executeReadWriteCommand有更好的方法,但我找不到它.
I have to fetch the old ID, increment and write it back. I think there is a better way with MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeReadWriteCommand, but i was unable to find it.
我发现了这,其中 findAndModify
I found this where is a solution with findAndModify
, but it is written for MongoClient which is deprecated.
任何想法如何使用 executeReadWriteCommand
Any ideas how to use executeReadWriteCommand
or maybe a better way?
Here is another solution. Let's say you want to upsert a document and increment ID. You can do something like this:
['myidfield' => '123'],
'$set' => ['name' => 'John'],
'$inc' => ['id' => 1]
'upsert' => true