




This is a follow-up to:
Pattern matching on jsonb key/value


CREATE TABLE "PreStage".transaction (
  transaction_id serial NOT NULL,
  transaction jsonb
  CONSTRAINT pk_transaction PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id)


The content in my transaction jsonb column looks like

{"ADDR": "abcd", "CITY": "abcd", "PROV": "",
 "ADDR2": "",
 "ADDR3": "","CNSNT": "Research-NA", "CNTRY": "NL", "EMAIL": "@.com",
             "PHONE": "12345", "HCO_NM": "HELLO", "UNQ_ID": "",
             "PSTL_CD": "1234", "HCP_SR_NM": "", "HCP_FST_NM": "",
             "HCP_MID_NM": ""}


SELECT transaction AS data FROM   "PreStage".transaction
WHERE  transaction->>'HCP_FST_NM' ILIKE '%neer%';


But I need to give my user flexibility to search any key/value on the fly.


An answer to the previous question suggested to create index as:

CREATE INDEX idxgin ON "PreStage".transaction
USING gin ((transaction->>'HCP_FST_NM') gin_trgm_ops);


Which works, but I wanted to index other keys, too. Hence was trying something like:

CREATE INDEX idxgin ON "PreStage".transaction USING gin
((transaction->>'HCP_FST_NM'),(transaction->>'HCP_LST_NM') gin_trgm_ops)


Which doesn't work. What would be the best indexing approach here or will I have to create a separate index for each key in which case the approach will not be generic if a new key/value pair is added to the data.


混合 一些热门密钥(包含在许多行和/或经常搜索的)以及 更多稀有密钥(包含在少数行和/或很少搜索,新密钥可能会动态弹出)我建议这个组合:

The syntax error that @jjanes pointed out aside,
for a mix of some popular keys (contained in many rows and / or searched often) plus many more rare keys (contained in few rows and / or rarely searched, new keys might pop up dynamically) I suggest this combination:


It does not seem like you are going to combine multiple keys in one search often, and a single index with many keys would grow very big and slow. So I would create a separate index for each popular key. Make it a partial index for keys that are not contained in most rows:

CREATE INDEX trans_idxgin_HCP_FST_NM ON transaction  -- contained in most rows
USING gin ((transaction->>'HCP_FST_NM') gin_trgm_ops);

CREATE INDEX trans_idxgin_ADDR ON transaction  -- not in most rows
USING gin ((transaction->>'ADDR') gin_trgm_ops)
WHERE transaction ? 'ADDR';


Etc. Like detailed in my previous answer:

  • Pattern matching on jsonb key/value

如果您有许多不同的键和/或动态添加新键,您可以使用基本(默认) jsonb_ops GIN索引:

If you have many different keys and / or new keys are added dynamically, you can cover the rest with a basic (default) jsonb_ops GIN index:

CREATE INDEX trans_idxgin ON "PreStage".transaction USING gin (transaction);


Among other things, this supports the search for keys. But you cannot use it for pattern matching on values.

  • What's the proper index for querying structures in arrays in Postgres jsonb?


Combine predicates addressing both indexes:

SELECT transaction AS data
FROM   "PreStage".transaction
WHERE  transaction->>'HCP_FST_NM' ILIKE '%neer%'
AND    transaction ? 'HCP_FST_NM';  -- even if that seems redundant.


The second condition happens to match our partial indexes as well.

所以 要么 给定(热门/常用)密钥有一个特定的三元组索引, 至少有一个索引可以找到包含罕见密钥的(少数几个)行 - 然后过滤匹配的值。相同的查询应该为您提供两全其美的优势。

So either there is a specific trigram index for the given (popular / common) key, or there is at least an index to find (the few) rows containing the rare key - and then filter for matching values. The same query should give you the best of both worlds.

确保运行最新版本的Postgres,最近有成本估算的各种更新。 Postgres使用良好的估算和当前的统计数据来选择最佳查询计划至关重要。

Be sure to run the latest version of Postgres, there have been various updates for cost estimates recently. It will be crucial that Postgres works with good estimates and current table statistics to choose the best query plan.


08-18 18:46