



我目前正在考虑使用一组位标志。这些标志(很好地)被定义为枚举的一部分,但是我明白当你 OR 枚举 OR 操作的返回类型具有类型 int

I'm looking to use a set of bit flags for my current issue. These flags are (nicely) defined as part of an enum, however I understand that when you OR two values from an enum the return type of the OR operation has type int.

我正在寻找的是一个解决方案,它将允许位掩码的用户保持类型安全,因此我已经为 operator |

What I'm currently looking for is a solution which will allow the users of the bit mask to remain type safe, as such I have created the following overload for operator |

enum ENUM
    ONE     = 0x01,
    TWO     = 0x02,
    THREE   = 0x04,
    FOUR    = 0x08,
    FIVE    = 0x10,
    SIX     = 0x20

ENUM operator | ( ENUM lhs, ENUM rhs )
    // Cast to int first otherwise we'll just end up recursing
    return static_cast< ENUM >( static_cast< int >( lhs ) | static_cast< int >( rhs ) );

void enumTest( ENUM v )

int main( int argc, char **argv )
    // Valid calls to enumTest
    enumTest( ONE | TWO | FIVE );
    enumTest( TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE );
    enumTest( ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE | SIX );

    return 0;

这个重载真的提供了类型安全吗?是否在枚举中引用未定义的行为的 int ?有没有注意事项?

Does this overload really provide type safety? Does casting an int containing values not defined in the enum cause undefined behaviour? Are there any caveats to be aware of?



In this case, yes. The valid range of values for the enumeration goes at least up to (but not necessarily including) the next largest power of two after the largest named enumerator, in order to allow it to be used for bitmasks like this. So any bitwise operation on two values will give a value representable by this type.


No, as long as the values are representable by the enumeration, which they are here.


If you were doing operations such as arithmetic, which could take the value out of range, then you'd get an implementation-defined result, but not undefined behavoiur.


08-18 18:41