



我的应用程序有两种形式. form1有8个标签和一个音频元素. Form2有8个带有保存按钮的文本框. .在Form2中填充文本框后.然后单击保存按钮.在form1中的标签文本应替换为文本框的内容..

My application has a two forms. form1 has 8 labels and an audio element. Form2 has 8 textboxes with a save button. . After filling Textboxes in form2. And on the click of save button. The text of labels in form1 should be replaced with Content of the textboxes..

Form1 f1= new Form1();


I can''t use this code in Form2 because new object of form1 will be created With new audio element from the beginning... I don''t want new audio element playing from the first.. So How do i send data from from1 to form2 with creating new object of form and How do i keep audio from restarting every time i send the data from (FORM1) to (FORM2)...


public static class UnderlyingData
    // Here, the data is really stored during application lifetime
    private static string _someText = "Initial Value";

    // A publically accessible property to read and change the data
    public static string SomeText
        get { return (_someText); }
        set { _someText = value; }

    // Inform GUI of changes. Use an event for that.
    public static delegate void StringDelegate( string stringTypedParameter);
    public static event StringDelegate SomeTextChanged;

    // Change publically accessible property to fire the event
    public static string SomeText
        get { return (_someText); }
            _someText = value;

            // Fire the event
            StringDelegate eventHandler = SomeTextChanged;
            if( eventHandler != null)

public class Form1 : Form
    private void TextBox1.TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Pass text change to business layer
        UnderlyingData.SomeText = TextBox1.Text;

public class Form2 : Form
    private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Subscribe to business layer's data-changed-event
        UnderlyingData.SomeTextChanged += new UnderlyingData.StringDelegate(UnderlyingData_SomeTextChanged);

    private void UnderlyingData_SomeTextChanged(string someText)
        // Do whatever your UI needs to do with the changed data
        Label42.Text = someText;


That''s the minimal example. Of course, you can use the event in Form1 as well, if there is some other thing that depends on the changed data. Or you can incorporate validation checks in the property''s set accessor.


08-18 18:18